"letra de cambio" in English
"letra de cambio" in English
Sólo en el punto en el que se trata la letra de cambio, en la enmienda 18, se me plantean una serie de cuestiones.
I still have questions but only with regard to the bill of exchange, Amendment No 18.
prorrogar una letra de cambio
to renew a bill of exchange
letra de cambio impagada
protested bill of exchange
letra de cambio(also: giro)
letra de cambio(also: pagaré)
Synonyms (Spanish) for "letra de cambio":
Similar translations for "letra de cambio" in English
letter- handwriting- hand- penmanship- print- script- typeface- word- writing- lyrics- words- bill of exchange- draft
to alter- to amend to- to change over- to vary- to cash- to barter- to break- to break- to break into- to change around- to disguise- to remake- to remold- to remould- to replace- to revamp- to rework- to shift- to sway- to swing- to switch around- to turn- to change down- to change up- to change- to exchange- to swap- to switch over- to transmute- to zap- to trade- to switch- to change gear
to allot- to hand over- to accord- to accord- to advance- to allow- to assign- to award- to bear- to blow- to bring forth- to deal- to dish out- to dispense- to dispense- to dole out- to earn- to get in- to give out- to give out- to hand out- to hold- to hold out- to impart- to issue- to lay on- to pass on- to pitch- to play- to produce- to produce- to proffer- to put on- to quote- to render- to send forth- to show- to sing out- to stage- to strike- to strike- to throw- to throw out- to throw up- to toss- to utter- to yield- to deal- to perform- to pitch- to strike- to quote- to return- to give- to provide- to deliver- to administer- to ruin- to spoil- to face- to flow into- to go into- to lead to- to give on to- to hit
Context examples for "letra de cambio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sólo en el punto en el que se trata la letra de cambio, en la enmienda 18, se me plantean una serie de cuestiones.
I still have questions but only with regard to the bill of exchange, Amendment No 18.
Sé que la letra de cambio se utiliza en alguno de nuestros Estados miembros como medio para evitar pagos desmedidos.
I am aware that the bill of exchange is used in one of our Member States as a means to counter excessive payments.
prorrogar una letra de cambio
to renew a bill of exchange
letra de cambio impagada
protested bill of exchange
letra de cambio
bill of exchange
¿Qué sentido tiene para los ciudadanos tener una moneda común, pero quince legislaciones distintas para cuando utilizan una letra de cambio o un cheque?
What sense was there in citizens having a common currency, if they have to be subjected to 15 different legislative procedures when they use a bill of exchange or a cheque?
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