
Beber vs Tomar

15 Mar, 2019 Spanish for Beginners, Learning through Videos
Beber vs Tomar3 votes. 2.83 / 5

Both "tomar" and "beber" mean "to drink" in Spanish. So what's the difference? In the video below, you will learn how to use these two verbs in Spanish. Check it out and you won't ever hesitate when using "beber" or "tomar."

Beber vs Tomar

Both "tomar" and "beber" mean "to drink."

For examples:

Tomar un café = Beber un café - To drink a coffee

Tomar un té = Beber un té - To drink a tea

Tomar leche = Beber leche - To drink milk

Tomar jugo de naranja = Beber jugo de naranja - To drink an orange juice

Me gustaría tomar un jugo de mango = Me gustaría beber un jugo de mango - I would like to drink a mango juice

See also: Names of drinks in Spanish

"Beber" is often used when talking about alcoholic drinks. However, this is not a rule.

For example:

Me gustan las bebidas alcohólicas - I like alcoholic drinks

"Tomar" has different meanings besides "to drink"

Tomar as "to take" or "to grab"

For example:

No tomes el pan todavía porque está muy caliente - Don't take/grab the bread yet because it is very hot

"Tomar" has different meanings besides "to drink."

"Tomar" as "to take" or "to grab"

For examples:

No tomes el pan todavía porque está muy caliente - Don't take/grab the bread yet because it is very hot

tomar tiempo -  to take time

tomar precauciones - to take caution

tomar fotos - to take pictures

tomar el bus - to take the bus

In addition, the verb tomar means "to take" to refer to "consuming" solid food or medications that, therefore, you cannot drink.

Tomar as "to have"

For example:

Podemos tomar helado de vainilla con galletas - We can have vanilla ice cream with biscuits