
Around the House - Spanish Vocabulary

13 Apr, 2021 Popular Articles, Word of Day, Spanish for Beginners
Around the House - Spanish Vocabulary5 votes. 3.6 / 5

House vocabulary! In this lesson, you will learn the most common Spanish words related to your house. We will go through the house and learn how to talk about rooms, furniture, and common objects in each room of the house.

Let's get started!

Spanish Vocabulary: Around the House

La casa - The house

El apartamento - The apartment

Rooms in Spanish

El cuarto - Room

La cocina - Kitchen

La sala de estar / El salón - Living Room

El dormitorio - Bedroom

El baño / El cuarto de baño / El retrete - Bathroom

El comedor - Dining Room

El armario / El ropero - Closet / Wardrobe

El sótano - Basement

El ático / El desván / El entretecho - Attic

El váter / El wáter / El inodoro / El servicio / El retrete - Toilet

Jardín - Garden / Yard

El garage / La cochera - Garage

La verja - Gate

Las escaleras - Stairs

House vocabulary in Spanish

You can take a look at these lessons to learn about common words and phrases used when talking about different rooms in Spanish:

Furniture in Spanish

Los muebles - Furniture

La cama - Bed

La silla - Chair

La mesa - Table

La cómoda - Dresser / Chest of drawers

lamp: la lámpara

El sofá / El diván - Couch / Sofa

Las cortinas - Curtains

El cuadro – Painting

El espejo – Mirror

La bañera – Bathtub

Home Appliances in Spanish

Los electrodomésticos - Appliances

El lavavajillas / El lavaplatos - Dishwasher

El horno - Oven

El microondas - Microwave

El tostador / La tostadora - Toaster

La estufa / La cocina - Stove

Estéreo - Stereo

Computadora - Computer

Tetera - Kettle

Teléfono - Telephone

Despertador - Alarm clock

La refrigeradora / La nevera / El frigorífico - Refrigerator

La aspiradora - Vacuum cleaner

La lavadora - Washing machine

La secadora - Drier (clothes)

La plancha - Iron

Acondicionador de aire - Air conditioner

Learning the Spanish words for all rooms and objects in your house is a challenge. The list above can make it easier for you to describe the house you live in and the furniture as well as appliances in each room.