
Spanish Zodiac Signs

16 Apr, 2021 Popular Searches, Word of Day, Common Spanish Phrases, Spanish for Beginners
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What's your zodiac sign? Some people believe that your zodiac sign can reveal your characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. In this lesson, we will learn common words when talking about horoscopes and zodiac signs. The vocabulary list below will show you signs of the zodiac, symbols, and elements in Spanish. And if you still don't know your sign, you can also find the corresponding dates of signs. Talking about your zodiac signs can be an interesting way to get to know each other. 

See also: Astronomy in Spanish.

Zodiac Signs and Horoscope Vocabulary in Spanish

The Horoscope – el horóscopo

Zodiac Signs – Los signos del zodíaco

Zodiac signs in Spanish

Acuario (Aquarius)

Dates: 20 de enero al 18 de febrero (January 20th to February 18th)

Symbol: La portadora de agua/El portador de agua (The water bearer)

Element: Aire (Air)

Piscis (Pisces)

Dates: 19 de febrero al 20 de marzo (February 19th to Mach 20th)

Symbol: El pescado (The fish)

Element: Agua (Water)

Aries (Aries)

Dates: 21 de marzo al 19 de abril (March 21st to April 19th)

Symbol: El carnero (The ram)

Element: Fuego (Fire)

Tauro (Taurus)

Dates: 20 de abril al 20 de mayo (April 20th to May 20th)

Symbol: El toro (The bull)

Element: Tierra (Earth)

Géminis (Gemini)

Dates: 21 de mayo al 20 de junio (May 21st to June 20th)

Symbol: Las gemelas/Los gemelos (The twins)

Element: Aire (Air)

Cáncer (Cancer)

Dates: 21 de junio al 22 de julio (June 21st to July 22nd)

Symbol: El cangrejo (The crab)

Element: Aire (Air)

Leo (Leo)

Dates: 23 de julio al 22 de agosto (July 23rd to August 22nd)

Symbol: El león (The lion)

Element: Fuego (Fire)

Virgo (Virgo)

Dates: 23 de agosto al 22 de septiembre (August 23rd to August 22nd)

Symbol: La virgin (The virgin)

Element: Tierra (Earth)

Libra (Libra)

Dates: 23 de septiembre al 22 de octubre (September 23rd to October 22nd)

Symbol: Las escalas (The scales)

Element: Aire (Air)

Escorpio (Scorpio)

Dates: 23 de octubre al 21 de noviembre (October 23rd to November 21st)

Symbol: El escorpión (The scorpion)

Element: Agua (Water)

Sagitario (Sagittarius)

Dates: 22 de noviembre al 21 de diciembre (November 22nd to December 21st)

Symbol: La arquera/El arquero (The archer)

Element: Fuego (Fire)

Capricornio (Capricorn)

Dates: 22 de diciembre al 19 de enero (December 22nd to January 19th)

Symbol: La cabra (The goat)

Element: Tierra (Earth)

Each zodiac sign has special strengths and weaknesses. You can use these common adjectives to describe a person in Spanish.

Common expressions

¿Cuál es tu signo? (What’s your sign?)

Mi cumpleaños es en junio, así que soy Géminis. ¿Qué signo eres tú? - My birthday is in June, so I'm a Gemini. What sign are you?

The above zodiac sign word list can help you broaden your horoscope horizons and talk about it in Spanish.