
Spanish Vocabulary: Baby Room

13 Apr, 2021 Word of Day, Common Spanish Phrases, Spanish for Beginners
Spanish Vocabulary: Baby Room2 votes. 4.5 / 5

In this lesson, we will learn how to say common words and phrases to talk about babies and items that you can find in a baby room in Spanish. You can also learn how to talk about them with example sentences. 

Baby Room Vocabulary in Spanish

Spanish Vocabulary: Baby Room

El bebé - baby (masculine form)

La bebé - baby (feminine form)

La guardería - Nursery  

El cuarto - room

El juguete - toy

La muñeca - doll

El oso de peluche - teddy bear

El carrito - stroller

La cobija - blanket

La mesa cambiadora - changing table

La cuna mecedora - cradle

El pañal - diaper

El biberón - bottle

La tetilla - nipple

El chupador/el chupete - pacifier

La leche - milk

La leche de fórmula - formula milk

Amamantar - breastfeed

See also:

Example sentences:

¡La bebé es tan linda! - The baby is so cute!

Hay muchos juguetes aquí. - There are a lot of toys here.

Tenemos que cambiar el pañal. - We have to change the diaper.

¿Dónde está el carrito? - Where is the stroller?

¿Cómo está el bebé? - How is the baby?