
"setting off" in Spanish

"setting off" in Spanish

Context examples for "setting off" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Turn the setting on or off in the check box by pressing Spacebar.
Active o desactive la opción de la casilla presionando la Barra espaciadora.
At this time of the year, millions of Europeans are once more setting off on their holidays, and doing so by air.
En esta época del año, millones de europeos salen de vacaciones y utilizan el avión.
he used to go for a run every morning before setting off for work
solía correr todas las mañanas antes de ir a trabajar
If you turn off this setting, make sure that your screen saver password is also turned off.
Si desactiva esta configuración, compruebe que la contraseña del protector de pantalla también esté desactivada.
There are no limits to off-setting any more.
Ya no hay ningún límite al sistema de compensación de emisiones.
Mr President, with the vote on the Charter we are setting off once again along the road towards a European Constitution.
Señor Presidente, la aprobación de la Carta marca la continuación del camino hacia una Constitución europea.
This is what we are doing and we are therefore setting off for the Summit with a huge challenge and a complex agenda before us.
Esto es lo que estamos haciendo y, por lo tanto, vamos a la Cumbre con un reto enorme, con una agenda compleja.
The Macedonian Government has already submitted its application to join and is now setting off along that road with determination.
El Gobierno macedonio ya ha presentado su solicitud de adhesión y ahora recorre el camino necesario con determinación.
Under these conditions, the elections planned for December are no guarantee that Bangladesh is setting off down the road of democracy.
En estas condiciones, las elecciones previstas para diciembre no garantizan que Bangladesh vaya a avanzar por el camino de la democracia.
Above all, children are in danger of setting off unexploded devices by accident, and they can receive serious injuries from doing so.
Por encima de todo, los niños corren el peligro de hacer estallar artefactos sin explotar por accidente, y pueden sufrir lesiones graves si esto ocurre.
We naturally have no wish to spend vast amounts of time and money on monitoring and to be constantly setting off to conduct inspections all over the place.
En efecto, no queremos que el control genere unos gastos gigantescos y empezar a desplazarnos a todas partes para realizar inspecciones.
So far, Plan D has been a successful exercise in terms of setting off a wide range of activities, and I believe we have started to think and reason somewhat differently.
Hasta ahora, el Plan D ha sido un buen ejercicio para poner en marcha una amplia gama de actividades, y creo que hemos empezado a pensar y razonar de forma diferente.