
"gastos de transporte" in English

"gastos de transporte" in English

Context examples for "gastos de transporte" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Igualmente es una buena noticia que el nuevo Convenio abarque los gastos de transporte y los costes operativos conexos.
It is also good news that the new Convention covers transport costs and associated operational costs.
La Mesa se decidió por un sistema en el que resulta en los tres puntos que, junto a los gastos de transporte se conceden pagos.
The Bureau decided on a system in which it is apparent on three counts that an income is being paid as well as travel expenses.
gastos de transporte (IPE 2.20(d))
term of office (DSU 17.2)
Una parte de estos gastos serán soportados por los Estados miembros o Estados candidatos, como los gastos de transporte de sus diputados.
Part of these costs will be covered by the Member States or candidate countries, namely the travel expenses for their members.
gastos de transporte
freight charges
No menos importante es que los gastos de transporte y de comunicaciones desempeñen un importante papel para determinar si una industria es o no es competitiva.
Equally important, transport and communications costs can play a huge part in determining whether or not an industry is competitive.
Se enfrentan a costes adicionales, que incluyen los gastos de transporte en sí y los gastos de embalaje, seguro y energía relacionados con el transporte.
They face additional costs, which include the expenses of transport itself and transport-related energy consumption, insurance and packaging.
Se enfrentan a costes adicionales, que incluyen los gastos de transporte en sí y los gastos de embalaje, seguro y energía relacionados con el transporte.
The special difficulties that affect the outermost regions are well known, especially those associated with the marketing of their products outside their individual territories.
En el caso de las obras de arte menos valiosas, sencillamente no compensa venderlas en otro país para evitar el derecho de participación, debido a los gastos de transporte y de seguro.
When it comes to less valuable works of art, due to transport and insurance costs, it may simply not be worthwhile selling elsewhere in order to avoid the resale right.