
"to take to court" in Spanish

"to take to court" in Spanish

Context examples for "to take to court" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
That does not mean that we should not take the Court's report seriously, on the contrary!
Pero esto no quiere decir que no tomemos en serio el informe del Tribunal de Cuentas. Al contrario.
The Commission has managed to threaten to take to court the only country that planned to implement the regulation at the correct time.
La Comisión ha tenido la osadía de amenazar con una acción penal al único país que quería ejecutar el reglamento en el momento oportuno.
I recommend reading it, especially to those who simply take the Court's annual report on the DAS and reach a perception of events that is not quite in tune with reality.
Recomiendo que se lea, sobre todo a aquellos que simplemente cogen el informe anual sobre la DAS y adquieren una percepción de las cosas que no es del todo acorde con la realidad.