
"regular el flujo de" in English

"regular el flujo de" in English

Context examples for "regular el flujo de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En este contexto no podemos sino considerar las intenciones de regular el flujo de material ilícito como muy encomiables.
In view of this, the aim to regulate the flow of illegal material cannot be considered as anything other than extremely desirable.
El hecho de que Camerún sea el principal exportador de maderas nobles de África a Europa hace necesario regular el flujo de bienes por medio del acuerdo de asociación que estamos votando hoy.
The fact that Cameroon is Africa's leading exporter of hardwood to Europe makes it necessary to regulate the flow of goods through the partnership agreement on which we are voting today.