
"him" in Spanish

"him" in Spanish
him{pronoun masculine}
They were opposed to him, trying to make him leave the island and even to kill him.
Se movilizaron en su contra, intentando provocar su partida e incluso matarle.
came before him and implored him to come to his country to proclaim there the
presentó ante él y le suplicó que se dirigiera a su país para anunciarles la
I congratulate him on that and I thank him for it, as that is very important.
Le felicito por ello y se lo agradezco, porque eso es muy importante.
him(also: he, him)
Live of him! Live with him! Live for him!
¡Vivid de él, vivid con él, vivid para él!
came before him and implored him to come to his country to proclaim there the
presentó ante él y le suplicó que se dirigiera a su país para anunciarles la
I wish him well and look forward to working with him closely in that challenge.
Le deseo suerte y estoy deseoso de colaborar con él estrechamente para llevarla a cabo.
him(also: he, him)
Live of him! Live with him! Live for him!
¡Vivid de él, vivid con él, vivid para él!
came before him and implored him to come to his country to proclaim there the
presentó ante él y le suplicó que se dirigiera a su país para anunciarles la
I wish him well and look forward to working with him closely in that challenge.
Le deseo suerte y estoy deseoso de colaborar con él estrechamente para llevarla a cabo.
They were opposed to him, trying to make him leave the island and even to kill him.
Se movilizaron en su contra, intentando provocar su partida e incluso matarle.
came before him and implored him to come to his country to proclaim there the
presentó ante él y le suplicó que se dirigiera a su país para anunciarles la
I congratulate him on that and I thank him for it, as that is very important.
Le felicito por ello y se lo agradezco, porque eso es muy importante.
him{pronoun masculine}
le{pron.} (personal)
They beat him up and interrogated him and kicked him to the ground.
Le dieron una paliza, le interrogaron, y le patearon en el suelo.
I must obey him and I do so with pleasure, in view of the liking I have for him.
Yo le debo obediencia, y lo hago con agrado por la simpatía que le tengo.
They are the ones who provided him with weapons and encouraged him in the war against Iran.
Fueron ellos quienes le proporcionaron armas y le animaron a declarar la guerra a Irán.
lo{pron.} (personal)
“We wanted to show him in a light where people would understand him and could forgive him.
“Queríamos mostrarlo de manera que la gente lo entendiese y pudiese perdonarlo.
as Jesus presents him to the Samaritan woman; the need to adore him "in
lo presenta Jesús a la Samaritana; la necesidad de adorarlo « en espíritu y verdad
His old posse plugged him full of lead and left him under three feet of desert clay.
Su antiguo pelotón lo acribilló a balazos y lo dejó enterrado en la arena del desierto.

Context examples for "him" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I listened carefully to him when he said that we did not need an interim Commission.
He escuchado con atención cuando decía que no necesitamos una Comisión interina.
I would like to thank him specifically for his excellent work and cooperation.
Me gustaría darle especialmente las gracias por su excelente trabajo y cooperación.
Therefore it is not too difficult for me to stand in for him here tonight.
Por consiguiente, no me resulta demasiado difícil representarle aquí esta noche.
My group will certainly be making concrete proposals to him in the weeks ahead.
Mi Grupo no dejará de hacerle propuestas concretas en las próximas semanas.
I wish to say a special thank you to him for his exceptional expertise and hard work.
Deseo darle especialmente las gracias por su excepcional pericia y su ardua labor.
I would very much like to vote for him for a third time, but this time for his courage.
Me gustaría mucho votar a su favor por tercera vez, pero esta vez por su coraje.
What prevented you from doing obeisance to him whom I created with My two hands?
¿Qué te ha impedido postrarte ante ese [ser] que he creado con Mis manos?
That would explain some of the outbursts that he may have sensed behind him.
Esto explicaría algunos de arrebatos que puede haber sentido a sus espaldas.
The mother, who is now elderly, desperately wants to see him again before she dies.
Su madre, ya anciana, desea desesperadamente volver a verlo antes de morir.
I want to take the opportunity to congratulate him on an excellent report.
Quiero aprovechar esta oportunidad para felicitarle por un informe excelente.
I think I managed to detect some willingness in him, but we shall have to wait and see.
He podido detectar cierta disposición por parte del Comisario y estamos esperando.
We may invite Jesus to come into our lives but we have nothing to offer him.
Nosotros podemos invitar a Jesús a nuestras vidas pero no tenemos nada que ofrecerle.
And when they despaired of (moving) him they retired to consult privately.
[En cuanto a vosotros,] regresad a vuestro padre y decid: ‘¡Oh padre nuestro!
I wish to express my personal gratitude to him on behalf of the European Parliament.
Deseo hacerle llegar mi gratitud personal en nombre del Parlamento Europeo.
he asked everyone he came across if they had seen her go by, but no one could help him
preguntó a todo el que encontraba si la habían visto pasar, pero nadie le dio razón
So I think that is a misunderstanding on his part - to be polite to him.
Así que pienso que es un malentendido por su parte, por decirlo con educación.
welcomes him on his return, and of the just and impartial judge whose judgment
su vuelta, del justo Juez que no hace acepción de personas y cuyo juicio
As I have never seen this assessment, I should like to remind him of this request.
Como no he visto aún esta evaluación, quisiera recordarle esta petición.
I do not speak in bad faith; all I am saying is that we could ask him that question.
No hablo de mala fe, simplemente digo que podemos hacernos esta pregunta.
Christ known, loved and followed by those who do not yet know Him and by the
Iglesia, según las necesidades locales, para hacer conocer, amar y seguir