
"de mala gana" in English

"de mala gana" in English
de mala gana{adverb}
. - De mala gana he votado contra este informe.
. - I reluctantly voted against this report.
No obstante, voto de mala gana y con enojo.
But my vote comes reluctantly and with anger.
Mi grupo lo acepta de mala gana como tal.
My group reluctantly accepts it as a step forward.
Aunque quizá de mala gana, Occidente bastante a menudo ha desviado su atención de los acontecimientos que tenían lugar en la península coreana.
Although perhaps unwillingly, the West has rather often turned its attention away from events on the Korean peninsula.
Señor Presidente, he votado a favor de este texto sobre la higiene de los productos alimenticios de origen animal, pero lo he hecho de mala gana.
I did vote for this document on hygiene rules for food of animal origin, but I did so unwillingly, Mr President.
Inscribirse en semejante perspectiva, aunque fuera de mala gana, equivaldría a proporcionar un certificado de respetabilidad a una fuerza que no es respetable.
Going along with such a prospect would be tantamount to testifying, albeit unwillingly, to the respectability of a political force which is not respectable.
Lo que me temo es que Europa, sin este mandato de la ONU, ayude con titubeos e incluso de mala gana a la reconstrucción del Iraq.
My fear is that Europe, without that UN mandate, will nonetheless, half-heartedly and probably even grudgingly, assist with the reconstruction of Iraq.
ungraciously{adv.} (agree, accept)

Context examples for "de mala gana" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nadie ayuda de mala gana a las personas afectadas por el tsunami.
No one begrudges help to the people affected by the tsunami.
No es algo que debamos aceptar de mala gana, sino como una mejora de la libertad de elección de los consumidores y un fomento de la innovación, y esto también es importante.
I find it disappointing that some people, even within our group, are against the ban on claims for alcoholic drinks.
El Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo votó de mala gana; sin embargo se mostró contrario a todas estas enmiendas.
The Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats voted for the motion against its will, and it declared its opposition to all these amendments.
Es cierto que la Comisión Europea ha prometido cada vez más, pero sigue mostrándose reacia y actuando de mala gana, lentamente y de forma pasiva en lo que respecta a Belarús.
The major security risks for the European Union of 25 inherent in this prompt me to address a few questions to the Commission.
Su actual estado de pobreza los obliga a doblegarse de mala gana ante la presión financiera y económica ejercida por las industrias del carbón.
The deprived conditions in which they are living at the moment is forcing them to compromise against their better judgement under the financial and economic pressure exercised by the coal industries.