
"imposible de conseguir" in English

"imposible de conseguir" in English
En nuestra opinión, esto es inviable e imposible de conseguir.
In our view, this is impractical and unobtainable.
Estos debates están dominados por cantos de sirena por algo imposible de conseguir y estratagemas para impedir que los ciudadanos opinen.
These debates are dominated by siren demands for what is unobtainable and with demands for stratagems to avoid letting the citizens have their say.

Similar translations for "imposible de conseguir" in English
Context examples for "imposible de conseguir" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creo que éste sería casi imposible de conseguir.
I believe that this would be almost impossible to obtain.
Para que se pueda aplicar, se necesita la unanimidad del Consejo, lo cual es casi imposible de conseguir.
For K.9 to apply, there must be a unanimous vote in the Council, a situation which is more or less impossible to achieve.
Unas sin otras resultan imposible de conseguir y es importante que en nuestras políticas entendamos que son dos caras de la misma moneda.
Achieving one without the other is impossible. It is important that we understand in our policies that they are two sides of the same coin.