
"feeling of unease" in Spanish

"feeling of unease" in Spanish

Context examples for "feeling of unease" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There is indeed a growing feeling of unease at the lack of coordination in European science and research.
Hay sin duda un sentimiento creciente de inquietud por la falta de coordinación en la ciencia y la investigación europeas.
There is a feeling of unease when you see the indulgence of the report on Bulgaria and the severity of the one on Romania, when the two countries have a great deal in common.
Se siente cierto malestar al comparar la indulgencia del informe sobre Bulgaria con la severidad del relativo a Rumania, cuando ambos países presentan muchos puntos en común.
The 'Swiss Life'sentiment, where pensions are concerned, awakens a feeling of unease in me, typified by the call for a wrong kind of solidarity and a lack of cooperation between the Member States.
Cuando me pienso en pensiones, me surge un sentimiento de intranquilidad caracterizado por una solidaridad equivocada y una falta de colaboración entre los Estados miembros.
The 'Swiss Life' sentiment, where pensions are concerned, awakens a feeling of unease in me, typified by the call for a wrong kind of solidarity and a lack of cooperation between the Member States.
Cuando me pienso en pensiones, me surge un sentimiento de intranquilidad caracterizado por una solidaridad equivocada y una falta de colaboración entre los Estados miembros.
There are growing protests...there is mounting criticism...the feeling of unease is spreading, including amongst fervent supporters and key allies of a consistent fight against terrorism.
Las protestas arrecian, las críticas se multiplican, el malestar se extiende, incluso entre los partidarios convencidos y los aliados incuestionables de una lucha consecuente contra el terrorismo.
There are growing protests... there is mounting criticism... the feeling of unease is spreading, including amongst fervent supporters and key allies of a consistent fight against terrorism.
Las protestas arrecian, las críticas se multiplican, el malestar se extiende, incluso entre los partidarios convencidos y los aliados incuestionables de una lucha consecuente contra el terrorismo.