
"productora de vino" in English

"productora de vino" in English

Context examples for "productora de vino" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
(SK) La Unión Europea es una región productora de vino de importancia internacional.
(SK) The European Union is a wine producer of global importance.
No se trata de si Suecia pronto se convertirá en una gran productora de vino, aunque eso no me importaría.
It is not about whether Sweden will soon become a great wine-growing region - although I do not begrudge you that.
Señora Presidenta, mi circunscripción del sudeste de Inglaterra es la región productora de vino de mayor crecimiento de Europa.
Madam President, my constituency of south-east England is the fastest-growing wine-producing region in Europe.