
"without a break" in Spanish

"without a break" in Spanish

Similar translations for "without a break" in Spanish
Context examples for "without a break" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it's a bit steep to expect them to work without a break
no es muy razonable que digamos, esperar que trabajen sin un descanso
We are faced with the fact, demonstrated by monitoring, that people are working for 38 hours without a break.
Es lamentable que el Consejo esté claramente en el lado equivocado respecto a esta cuestión.
It is already 1.10 and we have been voting without a break since 9.30 this morning, which does us some credit.
Ya son las 13.10 horas y estamos votando desde las 9.30 horas, muy meritoriamente, por otra parte.
Angola is a devastated country, which has experienced twenty-six long years of civil war without a break.
Angola es un país devastado, que vive desde hace veintiséis largos años ininterrumpidos en guerra civil.
We are faced with the fact, demonstrated by monitoring, that people are working for 38hours without a break.
Nos enfrentamos al hecho, demostrado a través de los controles, de que están trabajando 38 horas seguidas sin descanso.
I worked all morning without a break
trabajé toda la mañana sin descansar
we worked through without a break
trabajamos sin parar para descansar
I would however like to say that it seems we are now about to vote, without a break, on an extremely important subject: the budget.
Querría decirle, simplemente, que ahora vamos a votar, al parecer sin previa interrupción, sobre un asunto extremadamente importante, como es el presupuesto.
(PL) Debates, discussions and negotiations on an international climate agreement in Copenhagen have been going on without a break for months.
(PL) Desde hace meses se han celebrado sin interrupción debates, deliberaciones y negociaciones para llegar a un acuerdo internacional sobre el clima en Copenhague.
My office is on the twelfth floor and I have to say I found the bell ringing rather a nuisance, since they rang it for 15 minutes without a break today.
Mi oficina se encuentra en la 12ª planta y debo decir que la campana me resulta bastante molesta, ya que ha estado sonando durante 15 minutos seguidos el día de hoy.