
"doblegar (voluntad)" in English

"doblegar (voluntad)" in English

Similar translations for "doblegar (voluntad)" in English
Context examples for "doblegar (voluntad)" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En efecto, el proyecto de Tratado que va a ser presentado en Dublín denota una fuerte voluntad de doblegar a las naciones.
In fact, the draft treaty being presented in Dublin indicates a strong desire to make nations surrender their sovereignty.
no consiguieron doblegar su férrea voluntad
they couldn't break her iron will
Esta actitud podría -espero que no- doblegar la voluntad de los Estados miembros, e incluso de la Comisión, pero en ningún caso podría ayudar a restaurar la confianza de los consumidores.
That attitude might - though I hope that it will not - sway the Member States, and even of the Commission, but in no circumstances could it help to restore consumers ' confidence.