
"conculcar" in English

"conculcar" in English
conculcar{transitive verb}
¿Hasta qué punto se ha conculcado el derecho nacional e internacional en el proceso?
To what extent has national and international law been violated in the process?
Han sido conculcados por los militares, pero han sido conculcados también por la guerrilla.
They have been violated by the military, but they have also been violated by the guerillas.
La pena de muerte conculca el derecho a la vida y resulta degradante.
The death penalty violates the right to life and is degrading.
¿No conculca esta norma legislativa de modo directo las libertades personales y cívicas?
Does this piece of legislation not directly infringe upon personal and civic liberties?
Creo que la guerra contra el terrorismo se debe librar sin conculcar nuestras libertades fundamentales.
I believe that the war against terrorism should be waged without infringing our fundamental freedoms.
Otra cosa será la interpretación que el nuevo Gobierno haga, fomentando un monopolio y conculcando los derechos de los consumidores.
The new government's interpretation, however, is something else entirely, promoting, as it does, a monopoly and infringing consumers ' rights.

Context examples for "conculcar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Creo que la guerra contra el terrorismo se debe librar sin conculcar nuestras libertades fundamentales.
I believe that the war against terrorism should be waged without infringing our fundamental freedoms.
Derecho éste que ni siquiera la dictadura del fascista General Franco se atrevió a tocar o a conculcar en los territorios históricos vascos de Navarra o Álava.
This is a right which not even the Fascist dictatorship of General Franco dared to interfere with or violate in the historic Basque territories of Navarre or Álava.
El terrorismo, sean cuales sean los fines políticos que persiga, no es más que una forma gravísima de conculcar el derecho a la vida, que es el primero y más importante de los derechos humanos.
Terrorism, no matter what its political objectives, consists of nothing more than an extremely serious infringement of the right to live, which is the first and most important of all human rights.