
"long-playing record" in Spanish

"long-playing record" in Spanish

Context examples for "long-playing record" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
My colleague Mr Nicholson has not exactly stolen my thunder, but I want to repeat some of his thunder, and the Commissioner will know that I am like a long playing record.
Mi colega, el señor Nicholson, se me ha adelantado, pero quiero repetir algunas de las cosas que ha dicho, y la Comisaria sabrá que soy como un disco rayado.
I think some of the comments made today unfortunately by Mr Farage were over the top, but at this stage I am becoming aware of the fact that Mr Farage is like a long-playing record.
Creo que algunos de los comentarios que lamentablemente ha realizado el señor Farage han sido excesivos, pero a estas alturas me estoy dando cuenta de que el señor Farage es un disco rayado.