
"ser representado" in English

"ser representado" in English
to play{v.i.} [theat.] (show)

Context examples for "ser representado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
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Participar es algo más que ser representado, significa poder debatir alternativas políticas, ser consultado, poder intervenir por sí mismo.
Participation means more than just being represented; it means being able to debate political options, to be consulted, and to intervene personally.
Hindley, que va a ser representado hoy aquí por el Sr. Newens.
I give the floor to Mr Verheugen to answer this question tabled by Mr Hindley, which has been taken over here this evening by Mr Newens.
El tema afecta a la base de la democracia, porque todo el mundo debe estar representado y ser reconocido en el organismo a cuya legislación se someten.
The issue affects the basis of democracy, since everyone should be represented in, and recognised by, the body to whose legislation they are subject.
Es importante subrayar que los licenciados en derecho deben equipararse con los abogados en aquellos países en que no existe la obligación de ser representado por un abogado.
It is important to emphasise that lawyers must be considered equal to advocates in those countries that do not have the compulsory employment of counsel.
Otro punto débil del informe es la falta de coherencia en el enfoque de los derechos de los ciudadanos europeos, entre los que se incluye el derecho a ser representado en este foro.
Another weakness in the conception presented is the lack of consistency in the approach to European citizens' rights. These include the right to be represented in this forum.
A tenor de esta disposición, es competencia exclusiva de cada Estado decidir cómo va a ser representado en las reuniones del Consejo y quién va a formar parte de su delegación.
In accordance with this provision, it is the exclusive competence of each State to decide how it is to be represented in the meetings of the Council and who is going to be included in its delegation.