"de reserva" in English
"de reserva" in English
de reserva(also: de seguridad)
No obstante, tenga en cuenta que las baterías más grandes y de reserva pueden ser pesadas.
But keep in mind that larger and backup batteries can be heavy.
Ideal como foco de reserva o de viaje que cabe en cualquier bolsillo del chaleco.
Ideal as backup or travel light that fits in any BC pocket.
Algunos módems cuentan con una batería de reserva que impide que se apaguen las luces.
Some modems have a backup battery that prevents the lights from going out.
de reserva(also: reserva, suplente)
El euro ya es una divisa internacional de reserva y una divisa de transacción.
The euro currency is already an international reserve and a transaction currency.
El dinero suele esconderse en las partidas presupuestarias de reserva.
It is usually tucked away under the reserve information services budget headings.
Transferencia de activos exteriores de reserva al Banco Central Europeo
Transfer of foreign reserve assets to the European Central Bank
de reserva(also: de seguridad)
Algunos módems cuentan con una batería de reserva que impide que se apaguen las luces.
Some modems have a backup battery that prevents the lights from going out.
No obstante, tenga en cuenta que las baterías más grandes y de reserva pueden ser pesadas.
But keep in mind that larger and backup batteries can be heavy.
Ideal como foco de reserva o de viaje que cabe en cualquier bolsillo del chaleco.
Ideal as backup or travel light that fits in any BC pocket.
de reserva(also: suplente)
de reserva(also: de emergencia)
Al mismo tiempo, las tropas de reserva serán parte de un todo más amplio.
Stand-by duty troops would at the same time be made up of a larger whole.
Solo funcionan dos helicópteros en servicio lanzadera, a menudo son víctimas del mal tiempo, y no pueden permitirse el lujo de disponer de helicópteros de« reserva» en caso de avería mecánica.
They only operate two helicopters on a shuttle service, are often victim to bad weather, and do not have the luxury of'standby ' helicopters in case of mechanical failure.
Similar translations for "de reserva" in English
to allot- to hand over- to accord- to accord- to advance- to allow- to assign- to award- to bear- to blow- to bring forth- to deal- to dish out- to dispense- to dispense- to dole out- to earn- to get in- to give out- to give out- to hand out- to hold- to hold out- to impart- to issue- to lay on- to pass on- to pitch- to play- to produce- to produce- to proffer- to put on- to quote- to render- to send forth- to show- to sing out- to stage- to strike- to strike- to throw- to throw out- to throw up- to toss- to utter- to yield- to deal- to perform- to pitch- to strike- to quote- to return- to give- to provide- to deliver- to administer- to ruin- to spoil- to face- to flow into- to go into- to lead to- to give on to- to hit
Context examples for "de reserva" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto debería haber aumentado en todo caso el grado de reserva de la Comisión.
It should at least have made the Commission rather more cautious in its approach.
A reserva de estas precisiones, y a pesar de todo, he votado "sí» de buena gana.
I have voted in favour, bearing all these points in mind, and even did so willingly.
A reserva de estas precisiones, y a pesar de todo, he votado " sí» de buena gana.
I have voted in favour, bearing all these points in mind, and even did so willingly.
La señora ponente del informe se lamenta de la reserva danesa en el ámbito jurídico.
The rapporteur of the report deplores the Danish derogation in the legal field.
Con esta reserva de carácter general, nuestro Grupo político respalda el informe.
With this general reservation, our political group supports the report.
No obstante, aparte de esta reserva, considero que este texto es excelente.
However, aside from this reservation, I think that this text is excellent.
Quiero decir esto aquí, por lo que es una reserva antes de que se escancie el champán.
I just wanted to say this now, as a reservation, before the champagne starts to flow.
Pero mientras tanto la cláusula de reserva deseada por Turquía surtirá pleno efecto.
In the meantime, however, the reservation clause desired by Turkey will take full effect.
Los fundamentos de la reserva portuguesa no son los mismos que los de la reserva griega.
The Portuguese reservation is not based on the same grounds as the Greek reservation.
Al mismo tiempo, las tropas de reserva serán parte de un todo más amplio.
Stand-by duty troops would at the same time be made up of a larger whole.
Me gustaría añadir que son una reserva de agua, que será un bien escaso.
I would like to add that they are a reservoir of water, which will be a rare commodity.
Por supuesto, estoy de acuerdo con el fondo de este comentario o reserva.
I agree, of course, with the thrust of this remark or this reservation.
Desde hace algún tiempo sabemos que existe una fórmula de la Reserva Federal de Estados Unidos.
It has been known for some time that there is a Fed formula in the United States.
¿Acaso han desaparecido o se han diluido las razones que fundamentaron esa posición de reserva?
Can the reasons for our cautiousness have disappeared or become less pressing?
¿Cuál será el plazo para acumular una reserva de vacunas monovalentes listas para ser usadas?
What will the lead time for an effective monovalent vaccine stockpile be?
Todos los consumidores emplean sistemas de reserva privados, el teléfono o Internet a este fin.
All consumers use private booking systems, the internet or the telephone.
Las compañías aéreas recopilan dicha información para utilizarla en sus sistemas de reserva.
This is the information that is collected by carriers to operate their reservation systems.
A reserva de la antedicho, el Grupo de los Liberales apoya el calendario que ha fijado la Comisión.
Subject to that, the Liberal Group supports the timetable set out by the Commission.
la reserva de la mención "chocolate de calidad" para los productos que contienen manteca de cacao;
the reservation of the name 'quality chocolate' for products which contain cocoa butter;
El formulario indica que se puede formular una queja« a reserva de las normas de confidencialidad».
The form states that you can make a complaint'subject to the rules of confidentiality '.
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