
"de nivel medio" in English

"de nivel medio" in English

Context examples for "de nivel medio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El programa se dirige a funcionarios de nivel medio y, en menor grado, a diputados de los parlamentos de las DNE.
The Programme is targeted at the mid- ranking officials and - to a lesser extent - Members, of the NED parliaments.
Está diseñado para personal de nivel medio, tanto profesional y técnico, interesados en mejorar el manejo de áreas protegidas en sus países.
It is designed for personnel of medium level, professionals as well as technicians, interested in improving the handling of protected areas in their countries.
Al mismo tiempo, se prevé que la demanda de personas altamente cualificadas aumente en casi 16 millones y la demanda de personas con cualificaciones de nivel medio en más de 3,5 millones.
At the same time, demand for highly qualified people is projected to rise by almost 16 million and demand for people with medium-level qualifications by more than 3.5 million.
La pregunta toma partido a favor de la estructura económica de nivel medio en Europa y quiere servir de cauce a las preguntas de los bancos y empresas pequeños y medianos.
The question takes up the cause of the medium-scale economic structures in Europe and is intended to give voice to the questions that small and medium-sized banks and enterprises want to ask.