
"de estatura media" in English

"de estatura media" in English
medium-sized{adj.} [Brit.] (person)
No quiero saber cuánto dinero habrá de pagar en el futuro la compañía de seguros de esta Asamblea por todas las personas de estatura media que se suban a las sillas.
I would not like to know how much money the insurers of this building will have to pay out in future for all the medium-sized persons climbing up on these chairs.

Context examples for "de estatura media" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
No quiero saber cuánto dinero habrá de pagar en el futuro la compañía de seguros de esta Asamblea por todas las personas de estatura media que se suban a las sillas.
I would not like to know how much money the insurers of this building will have to pay out in future for all the medium-sized persons climbing up on these chairs.