
"behind closed doors" in Spanish

"behind closed doors" in Spanish
a puerta cerrada{adv.} [fig.] (de manera secreta)
They – they alone – have budget sovereignty behind closed doors.
Ellos –y solo ellos– poseen soberanía presupuestaria a puerta cerrada.
The Council, meeting behind closed doors, is unable to adopt a common position.
El Consejo, reuniéndose a puerta cerrada, es incapaz de adoptar una posición común.
A lot of the work is done behind closed doors; it is invisible.
Una gran parte del trabajo se lleva a cabo a puerta cerrada; es invisible.

Context examples for "behind closed doors" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The Council, meeting behind closed doors, is unable to adopt a common position.
El Consejo, reuniéndose a puerta cerrada, es incapaz de adoptar una posición común.
Also, everything that was carried out behind closed doors, took place in secret.
Además, todo lo que ha ocurrido a puertas cerradas se ha hecho en secreto.
I reject the idea of making industrial policy behind closed doors or in back rooms.
Rechazo la idea de la formulación de políticas industriales a puerta cerrada.
The way in which decisions were made behind closed doors was not good, either.
La manera de tomar las decisiones, a puertas cerradas, tampoco fue buena.
The trial took place behind closed doors and the defendant was only allowed one witness.
El proceso se desarrolló a puerta cerrada y solamente se pudo citar a un testigo.
The negotiations concerning the new Treaty take place too often behind closed doors.
Las negociaciones sobre el nuevo Tratado se desarrollan en ámbitos demasiado cerrados.
The summits are also conducted behind closed doors and without democratic control.
Las cumbres también se llevan a cabo detrás de puertas cerradas sin control democrático.
Meanwhile at Council level the 133 Committee meets behind closed doors.
Mientras tanto, en el plano del Consejo, el Comité 133 se reúne a puerta cerrada.
Decisions should not be taken behind closed doors, ignoring the opinions of society.
Las decisiones no deberían tomarse a puerta cerrada, ignorando las opiniones de la sociedad.
We have urged Mr Giscard d'Estaing not to have his little meetings behind closed doors.
Hemos instado al Sr. Giscard d'Estaing a que no celebre esa pequeña reunión a puerta cerrada.
I would like to make an appeal to you: no more Intergovernmental Conferences behind closed doors.
Yo le hago un llamamiento: no más Conferencias Intergubernamentales a puerta cerrada.
Strong traditions have always kept domestic violence hidden behind closed doors.
Las tradiciones arraigadas siempre han mantenido la violencia doméstica escondida detrás de la puerta.
A lot of the work is done behind closed doors; it is invisible.
Una gran parte del trabajo se lleva a cabo a puerta cerrada; es invisible.
The Council continues to hold secret meetings behind closed doors in this inadequate building.
Tras las puertas de esta casa inadaptada, el Consejo sigue celebrando reuniones secretas.
Everything takes place behind closed doors here; everything is swept under the carpet.
Todo sucede a puerta cerrada, todo se oculta bajo la alfombra.
They – they alone – have budget sovereignty behind closed doors.
Ellos –y solo ellos– poseen soberanía presupuestaria a puerta cerrada.
Will you not let that take place behind closed doors in the Council?
¿No dejarán ustedes que eso ocurra a puerta cerrada en el Consejo?
" The Union was founded and is still being constructed behind closed doors rather than in the open
La Unión nació y se construye en un círculo cerrado en lugar de construirse a la luz.
Everything took place behind closed doors, and seventy journalists were expelled from the courtroom.
Todo tuvo lugar a puerta cerrada y setenta periodistas fueron expulsados del tribunal.
European monetary and economic policies cannot and must not be discussed behind closed doors.
Las políticas económicas y monetarias de la UE no pueden ni deben discutirse a puerta cerrada.