
"servicio de inteligencia" in English

"servicio de inteligencia" in English
intelligence{noun} (department)
un grupo de extremistas se había infiltrado en el servicio de inteligencia
the intelligence service had been infiltrated by political extremists
No existe un servicio de inteligencia y esas aeronaves no están en condiciones de realizar su misión de manera eficaz.
There is no intelligence service, and these aircraft are not in a position to carry out their mission effectively.
Un carabinero italiano ha confesado; hoy ha sido detenido el número dos del Sismi, el servicio de inteligencia italiano.
An Italian policeman has confessed and today the deputy head of the Sismi, the Italian intelligence service, has been arrested.
un grupo de extremistas se había infiltrado en el servicio de inteligencia
the intelligence service had been infiltrated by political extremists
No existe un servicio de inteligencia y esas aeronaves no están en condiciones de realizar su misión de manera eficaz.
There is no intelligence service, and these aircraft are not in a position to carry out their mission effectively.
Un carabinero italiano ha confesado; hoy ha sido detenido el número dos del Sismi, el servicio de inteligencia italiano.
An Italian policeman has confessed and today the deputy head of the Sismi, the Italian intelligence service, has been arrested.

Context examples for "servicio de inteligencia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
un grupo de extremistas se había infiltrado en el servicio de inteligencia
the intelligence service had been infiltrated by political extremists
Por eso sería interesante saber si los acontecimientos de Malmö fueron una parte de los preparativos con el servicio de inteligencia norteamericano.
Therefore, it would also be interesting to know whether events in Malmö were also part of the preparations made with the American security services.
¿Puede garantizarme el Consejo que el Parlamento Europeo y la Comisión Europea no son blanco de las actividades del MI6 ni de ningún otro servicio de inteligencia de un Estado miembro?
Can the Council give an assurance that the European Parliament and the Commission are not the target of activities by MI6 or any other security service of any other Member State?
La prensa ha informado profusamente, entre otros el Gotemburgo Posten, de que miembros del servicio de inteligencia norteamericano han colaborado muy activamente en los preparativos de la cumbre.
Detailed information has been printed in the press, including Göteborgsposten, suggesting that US security services have been highly active in preparations for the Summit.