
"margen de beneficio" in English

"margen de beneficio" in English
margin{noun} [bus.] (of profit)
De todas formas, era un precio tan bajo que no permitía sacar un margen de beneficio.
This price was so low that it allowed for no profit margin at all.
Sin embargo, ahora se pueden aumentar los costes con un margen de beneficio «razonable».
Now, however, it is permissible to increase the costs by 'a reasonable' profit margin.
Sin embargo, ahora se pueden aumentar los costes con un margen de beneficio« razonable».
Now, however, it is permissible to increase the costs by 'a reasonable ' profit margin.
margen de beneficio{masculine/feminine}
profit margin{noun} [fin.]
De todas formas, era un precio tan bajo que no permitía sacar un margen de beneficio.
This price was so low that it allowed for no profit margin at all.
Sin embargo, ahora se pueden aumentar los costes con un margen de beneficio «razonable».
Now, however, it is permissible to increase the costs by 'a reasonable' profit margin.
Sin embargo, ahora se pueden aumentar los costes con un margen de beneficio« razonable».
Now, however, it is permissible to increase the costs by 'a reasonable ' profit margin.

Context examples for "margen de beneficio" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La inclusión irreflexiva en la Directiva de permitir un margen de beneficio razonable me parece sumamente peligroso.
The unthinking inclusion in the directive of allowing a reasonable return on investment to be made seems highly dangerous to me.
margen de beneficio neto
net profit margin
En cuanto al mundo empresarial, evidentemente pagará para que pueda renovarse cuando se crea la información, obteniendo así un margen de beneficio.
As far as the business world is concerned, it will obviously pay for renewal to be possible at the point where information is created, thus getting a return on investment.