
"puerta de salida" in English

"puerta de salida" in English

Context examples for "puerta de salida" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Con el fin de precaverse ante dicha eventualidad, quieren dejarlo ya todo bien atado y no dejar ninguna puerta de salida.
In order to prevent this eventuality, they want to lock everything up right away and not leave any way out.
Las vides son su vida, y no se les puede empujar hacia la puerta de salida sin preocuparnos por lo que será de ellos y de su pan de cada día.
Vines are their livelihood, and we cannot push them towards the exit door without concerning ourselves as to what they will do for a living.
Además de Sadam, desgraciadamente el propio Bush ha empezado a creer en la amenaza militar, hasta tal punto que siente que ya no puede encontrar una puerta de salida.
Apart from Saddam, Bush himself has unfortunately begun to believe in the military threat to such a degree that he feels he can no longer find a way out of it.