
"clave de bóveda" in English

"clave de bóveda" in English
cornerstone{noun} (basis)
keystone{noun} [archit.]
No se han disipado, ni mucho menos, todas las incertidumbres sobre las condiciones de la financiación futura de la Unión Europea, verdadera clave de bóveda de las reformas previstas.
Not all of the uncertainties have been raised on the conditions for the future financing of the European Union, far from it, and this is the true keystone of the envisaged reforms.
cornerstone{noun} [construct.]

Context examples for "clave de bóveda" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En una palabra, la formación es la clave de bóveda que, si se incrementa y renueva, estará en condiciones de utilizar como una oportunidad los cambios y las innovaciones en curso.
In short, training - as long as it is expanded and upgraded - is the key to regarding the current changes and innovation as an opportunity.
Hay que poner los textos, las actitudes, de acuerdo con la sociedad actual, pero sin perder aquello que ha sido la clave de bóveda de la construcción comunitaria.
The texts and our attitudes should be brought into line with today's society, but we should not lose that which has been the key to the vault of Community construction.