
"tribunal de justicia" in English

"tribunal de justicia" in English
Esto no se sabrá con certeza hasta que este asunto se vea ante un tribunal de justicia.
That will not be known for certain until this matter is heard in a court of law.
Por lo tanto, el lugar correcto para decidir quién tiene razón es un tribunal de justicia.
The real place to adjudicate, therefore, is in a court of law.
No puede haber reconciliación hasta que los sospechosos de crímenes de guerra rindan cuentas ante un tribunal de justicia.
There can be no reconciliation until war crime suspects are held accountable in a court of law.

Context examples for "tribunal de justicia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Espero que el Tribunal de Justicia se haga cargo de este asunto en alguna ocasión.
I hope that the European Court of Justice will address this issue at some stage.
De hecho, el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo nos ha impreso impulso para legislar.
Indeed, we have had encouragement from the European Court of Justice to legislate.
El Tribunal de Justicia o el Tribunal de Cuentas deberán adaptarse a la ampliación.
The Court of Justice or the Court of Auditors will have to adapt to enlargement.
Los hechos están ahí, tal como los describe el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
We have the realities before us, as described by the European Court of Justice.
Pack, no podemos prohibir a un ciudadano que recurra al Tribunal de Justicia.
Mrs Pack, we cannot prevent any citizen taking a case to the Court of Justice.
Esta sustituirá la directiva anulada por el Tribunal de Justicia el octubre pasado.
This will replace the directive annulled by the Court of Justice last October.
Usted acaba de referirse a las sentencias recientes del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
You have just referred to the recent judgments of the European Court of Justice.
Deseo tranquilizarla sobre las conclusiones del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo.
I should like to reassure her about the findings of the European Court of Justice.
El Tribunal de Justicia Europeo (TJE) nos ha puesto aquí en una posición muy difícil.
The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has put us in a very difficult position here.
Por todo ello, solicitamos una decisión preliminar del Tribunal de Justicia.
This is why we are calling for a preliminary decision by the Court of Justice.
– Señor Presidente, hemos decidido remitir esta cuestión al Tribunal de Justicia.
Mr President, we have decided to refer this matter to the Court of Justice.
¿Cree que esta suspensión superará el examen del Tribunal de Justicia Europeo?
Do you believe that this will stand up to scrutiny by the European Court of Justice?
El Tribunal de Justicia constituirá Salas compuestas por tres y cinco Jueces.
The Court of Justice shall form chambers consisting of three and five Judges.
Esto no se sabrá con certeza hasta que este asunto se vea ante un tribunal de justicia.
That will not be known for certain until this matter is heard in a court of law.
Esto incluye un control por parte del Parlamento Europeo y del Tribunal de Justicia.
This includes control by the European Parliament and the European Court of Justice.
Este enfoque ha sido confirmado por el Tribunal de Justicia Europeo en el asunto Sinaga.
This approach was confirmed by the European Court of Justice in the Sinaga case.
Existe una larga jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia en esta materia.
There is long-established European Court of Justice jurisprudence in this area.
El Tribunal de Justicia se encargaría de supervisar la regularidad de los actos.
The Court of Justice is to monitor the legality of the legislative acts.
Por esta razón, el Tribunal de Justicia consideró ilegales esos acuerdos bilaterales.
That is why the Court of Justice ruled that these bilateral agreements were illegal.
¿Piensa llevar a Grecia ante el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas?
Will it initiate proceedings against Greece before the Court of Justice?