
"to stand on end" in Spanish

"to stand on end" in Spanish

Context examples for "to stand on end" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
The thought of embryos being meddled with and experimented on makes my hair stand on end.
Me repele la idea de que se manipule, ensaye, etc. con embriones.
it makes my hair stand on end just thinking about it
se me escarapela todo el cuerpo cuando lo pienso
a disguise which was enough to make your hair stand on end
un disfraz que espeluznaba
he was so scared it made his hair stand on end
se le paró el pelo del susto
The fact that the PSE is, broadly speaking, happily in line with the EPP on the Blue Card amendments makes my hair stand on end.
El hecho de que el PSE esté, en el amplio sentido de la palabra, de acuerdo con el PPE en lo que respecta a las enmiendas de la tarjeta azul me pone los pelos de punta.
It overeggs the pudding, and includes unconsidered and indigestible proposals, worded in such a way as to make a first-year law student's hair stand on end.
Lo sobrecarga, contiene propuestas irreflexivas e indigestas, cuya redacción pondría los pelos de punta a cualquier estudiante de primer año de derecho.