
"la mayor parte de" in English

"la mayor parte de" in English
most{adj.} (nearly all)
La mayor parte de los servicios practican el espionaje económico en este sentido.
To that extent most of the services engage in espionage in the economic domain.
La mayor parte de mi Grupo va a apoyarla, al igual que la mayor parte del Parlamento.
Most of our group will support it, as indeed most of Parliament will support it.
La mayor parte de las medidas que contempla son satisfactorias.
Most of the measures introduced by the directive are satisfactory.

Similar translations for "la mayor parte de" in English
la- lah- A
Context examples for "la mayor parte de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La mayor parte de los servicios practican el espionaje económico en este sentido.
To that extent most of the services engage in espionage in the economic domain.
La mayor parte de mi Grupo va a apoyarla, al igual que la mayor parte del Parlamento.
Most of our group will support it, as indeed most of Parliament will support it.
Por lo tanto, voto a favor de la mayor parte de las propuestas de este informe.
I am therefore voting in favour of the bulk of the proposals in this report.
Voy a votar a favor de la mayor parte de las medidas propuestas en este informe.
I am voting in favour of the bulk of the measures proposed in this report.
La Unión Europea aglutina la mayor parte de la capacidad instalada mundial.
The European Union brings together the majority of the world’s installed capacity.
Sin duda, serían capaces de resolver la mayor parte de sus problemas trabajando juntos.
No doubt they would be able to solve most of their problems by working together.
Al comienzo de la enfermedad, la mayor parte de los pacientes no sufren molestias.
At the outset of the illness, most patients do not experience any symptoms.
Mi grupo político lo va a apoyar, así como a la mayor parte de las enmiendas.
My political group will support it, together with almost all the amendments.
Ha sido debatido en muchos foros y en la mayor parte de los países afectados.
It has been discussed at many forums and in many of the countries involved.
Es totalmente distinto del sistema que existe en la mayor parte de Europa continental.
It is wholly different from the system which exists in most of continental Europe.
La mayor parte de las empresas serán incapaces de soportar unos costes mayores.
After all, a lot of medium-sized enterprises use vehicles in the 3.5 to 12 tonne range.
La Comisión y la mayor parte de este Parlamento quieren seguir presionando.
The Commission, as well as the majority in this Parliament, want to press on.
La mayor parte de la futura evolución de la Unión Europea derivará de este equilibrio.
The future progress of the European Union will largely depend on this balance.
La mayor parte de la ayuda de la Unión Europea se ha prestado dentro del programa TACIS.
The major part of European Union aid has been provided under the TACIS programme.
La mayor parte de los accidentes e incidentes aéreos tienen un origen humano.
Most accidents and incidents that occur in air transport occur because of human error.
En la mayor parte de nuestros Estados miembros, el juego está hoy sometido a regulación.
In the majority of our Member States, gambling is currently subject to regulation.
Personalmente estoy en contra y creo que la mayor parte de mi grupo también lo está.
I, personally, do not agree with that, and, I suspect, neither would most of my group.
Además, la mayor parte de lo que se decidió en Niza no tenía relación con la ampliación.
Moreover, most of what was decided in Nice has nothing to do with enlargement.
Debo decir que en la mayor parte de los casos las diferencias son mínimas.
I have to say that in the majority of cases the differences are quite small.
También he respaldado la mayor parte de las posiciones adoptadas por el ponente.
I have also supported most of the positions adopted by the rapporteur.