
"falta de tacto" in English

"falta de tacto" in English

Context examples for "falta de tacto" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Lo que no me gusta es la falta de tacto mostrada en la visita de la delegación al castillo de Praga.
What I do not like is the lack of tact shown at the appearance of the delegation in Prague Castle.
una persona totalmente falta de tacto
a person totally lacking in tact
¡Esto es una falta de tacto!
Such a proposal is totally insensitive!
una persona totalmente falta de tacto
a completely tactless person
¡qué falta de tacto!
how tactless!
Aunque critiquemos la política del Gobierno danés y su falta de tacto y habilidad, el Primer Ministro Rasmussen se alzó en defensa de un principio.
Even if we are critical of the politics of the Danish Government and its exercise of tact and skill, Prime Minister Rasmussen did stand up for one principle.