"dar comienzo a" in English
"dar comienzo a" in English
dar comienzo a(also: iniciar, entablar)
dar comienzo a(also: desencadenar, largar)
De hecho, he propuesto que no esperemos hasta 2013 para dar comienzo a esta medida, sino que la empecemos enseguida, en 2010.
In fact, I have proposed that we should not simply wait for 2013 to start this action, but should start it at once, in 2010.
Lo único que quiero hacer respecto al Tribunal Europeo de Justicia es dar comienzo a un debate en esta Cámara sin entrar en detalles.
All I want to do where the European Court of Justice is concerned is to start off a debate in this House, without going into details.
Por desgracia, la UE no logró persuadir a otras partes para que reconocieran la necesidad de dar comienzo a este proceso.
Regrettably, the EU did not succeed in persuading other parties to recognise the need for starting such a process.
dar comienzo a(also: introducir)
Similar translations for "dar comienzo a" in English
to allot- to hand over- to accord- to accord- to advance- to allow- to assign- to award- to bear- to blow- to bring forth- to deal- to dish out- to dispense- to dispense- to dole out- to earn- to get in- to give out- to give out- to hand out- to hold- to hold out- to impart- to issue- to lay on- to pass on- to pitch- to play- to produce- to produce- to proffer- to put on- to quote- to render- to send forth- to show- to sing out- to stage- to strike- to strike- to throw- to throw out- to throw up- to toss- to utter- to yield- to deal- to perform- to pitch- to strike- to quote- to return- to give- to provide- to deliver- to administer- to ruin- to spoil- to face- to flow into- to go into- to lead to- to give on to- to hit
Context examples for "dar comienzo a" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El Defensor ha tomado también la iniciativa de dar comienzo a otra investigación.
The Ombudsman has also taken the initiative for another investigation.
. - (EN) Señor Presidente, gracias por dar comienzo a este primer debate presupuestario para 2007.
rapporteur. - Mr President, thank you for introducing us to this first budgetary debate for 2007.
Por desgracia, la UE no logró persuadir a otras partes para que reconocieran la necesidad de dar comienzo a este proceso.
Regrettably, the EU did not succeed in persuading other parties to recognise the need for starting such a process.
De hecho, he propuesto que no esperemos hasta 2013 para dar comienzo a esta medida, sino que la empecemos enseguida, en 2010.
In fact, I have proposed that we should not simply wait for 2013 to start this action, but should start it at once, in 2010.
. - (SL) Permítanme por favor una observación procedimental antes de dar comienzo a mi intervención inicial.
President-in-Office of the Council. - (SL) Please permit me one procedural remark before starting my introductory remarks.
Lo único que quiero hacer respecto al Tribunal Europeo de Justicia es dar comienzo a un debate en esta Cámara sin entrar en detalles.
All I want to do where the European Court of Justice is concerned is to start off a debate in this House, without going into details.
dar comienzo a una reunión
to get a meeting under way
Antes de dar comienzo a la votación
Before the vote
Vamos a dar comienzo a un programa de acción en el que analizaremos sector por sector y que, además, comprenderá a todos los interesados.
We are to get an action programme under way, requiring us specifically to examine each area in turn and involve all interested parties.
Acabamos de dar comienzo a un diálogo tripartito y ya contamos con una nueva propuesta legislativa de la Comisión para, de nuevo, modificar el Reglamento.
We have just entered trialogue and we already have a new legislative proposal from the Commission, again to amend the regulation.
Sin embargo, si pretendemos dar comienzo a una nueva era en nuestra relación y si vamos a confirmar la suspensión, todavía son necesarios mayores progresos.
However, we still need more progress if we are to begin a new era in our relationship and if we are also to confirm the suspension.
Simultáneamente, el informe defiende la introducción de niveles mínimos obligatorios a escala de la UE para dar comienzo a una verdadera política de integración.
At the same time, it advocates the introduction of binding and minimum standards at EU level for starting a real policy of integration.
Para dar comienzo a este debate, nos gustaría decir que es nuestro deseo lograr una óptima cooperación con los estadounidenses, en especial tratándose de la lucha contra el terrorismo.
At the beginning of this debate, we would like to say that we want a good partnership with the Americans, in particular, when it comes to combating terrorism.
. - Señor Presidente, antes de dar comienzo a las votaciones sobre las enmiendas presupuestarias quiero informarles de una serie de ajustes técnicos que es necesario realizar.
rapporteur. - Mr President, before starting to vote on the budgetary amendments, I would like to inform you of a limited number of technical adjustments that need to be made.
Al mismo tiempo opinamos que la reforma de los marcos institucionales de la UE no es condición para que la UE pueda dar comienzo a las negociaciones para la adhesión con los nuevos Estados miembros.
At the same time, we believe that reforming the EU's institutional framework is not a precondition for the EU being able to start initial negotiations with the new Member States.
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