
"good works" in Spanish

"good works" in Spanish
• Rescue us from all unrighteousness and give us the wisdom of heart to devote ourselves entirely to good works.
• Rescátanos de toda impiedad, y danos la sabiduría del corazón para poder dedicarnos enteramente a las buenas obras.
Save those who believe and do good works, and bid each other to truth, and bid each other endurance.
excepto aquellos que creen y hacen buenas obras, y se exhortan mutuamente con la verdad, y se exhortan mutuamente a la paciencia.
But as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their wages in full, for Allah loves not the wrongdoers (or unjust).
mas a los que alcanzan la fe y hacen buenas obras, Él les recompensará cumplidamente: pues Dios no ama a los malhechores."

Context examples for "good works" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This is what is meant by “the treasures of the Church”, which are the good works of the saints.
Esto es lo que se quiere decir cuando se habla del « tesoro de la Iglesia », que son las obras buenas de los santos.
• Rescue us from all unrighteousness and give us the wisdom of heart to devote ourselves entirely to good works.
• Rescátanos de toda impiedad, y danos la sabiduría del corazón para poder dedicarnos enteramente a las buenas obras.
Save those who believe and do good works, and bid each other to truth, and bid each other endurance.
excepto aquellos que creen y hacen buenas obras, y se exhortan mutuamente con la verdad, y se exhortan mutuamente a la paciencia.
Then as to those who believed and did good works, they shall be made happy in a Garden.
pero los que se negaron a reconocer la verdad y desmintieron Nuestros mensajes --y [con ello] el anuncio de la Otra Vida-- serán entregados al castigo.
But as for those who believe and do good works, He will pay them their wages in full, for Allah loves not the wrongdoers (or unjust).
mas a los que alcanzan la fe y hacen buenas obras, Él les recompensará cumplidamente: pues Dios no ama a los malhechores."
So the idea of centralised clearance makes good sense, if it works - and let us hope that it does, under these new rules.
Por tanto, la idea de un despacho centralizado tiene sentido, si funciona -y confiemos en que lo haga-, conforme a estas nuevas normas.
a doer of good works
un buen samaritano
So give good weight and full measure, and be not niggardly of your good works (or of the gifts you have received) to mankind, and do not evil in the earth after it has been rightly ordered.
Os ha llegado ahora una prueba clara de vuestro Sustentador.
But he who does good works, be it male or female, and believes, they shall enter into Paradise, and they shall not be wronged a jot.
mientras que quien haga [cuantas] buenas obras [pueda] --sea hombre o mujer-- y además sea creyente, entrará en el paraíso y no se le hará ni la más mínima in­justicia.
On the day when the Sign does come, its faith shall profit no soul which did not believe before, nor earned, by its faith, from good works.
[Pero] cuando aparezcan los portentos de tu Sustentador, de nada le servirá creer a ningún ser humano que no haya creído antes o que, habiendo creído, no hubiera hecho buenas obras.
It is clear from what Mr Pirker has said that you have obviously been engaged in real missionary work in your group; but good works deserve to be praised.
Las manifestaciones del Sr. Pirker han mostrado que, evidentemente, la acción de usted en su Grupo ha sido realmente misionera; hay que alabar también las buenas obras.
They believe in Allah, and in the last day, and bid intelligent (or right) conduct, and forbid what is stupid (or wrong), and vie with one another in good works; these are among the righteous.
Creen en Dios y en el Último Día, ordenan la conducta recta, prohiben la conducta inmoral y compiten en hacer buenas obras: esos son de los justos.