
"to stock up with" in Spanish

"to stock up with" in Spanish

Context examples for "to stock up with" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If we deprive them of this perfectly planned source, where will our manufacturers go to stock up?
Si les privamos de esta fuente perfectamente trazada, ¿dónde se abastecerán nuestros industriales?
Now billions will have to be invested throughout Europe in order to get the infrastructure and rolling stock up to standard.
Ahora habrá que invertir millardos en toda Europa para que la infraestructura y el material rodante cumpla las normas.
This is understandable, because Africa is, in many ways, at risk of becoming the continent that is losing out while everyone else uses it to stock up on supplies.
Un hecho es cierto: sin gobernanza en África, el incremento de la ayuda solo tendrá un valor marginal.
to stock up with sth
aprovisionarse de algo
to stock up with sth
abastecerse de algo
to stock up with sth
surtirse de algo
to stock up
proveerse de existencias
to stock up
hacer un estoc
If those who have got the franchise for the newspaper shops could be encouraged to stock up with the kinds of things that efficient offices need.
Los que han conseguido la franquicia de las tiendas de periódicos podrían animarse a proveernos de este tipo de cosas que requieren las buenas oficinas.
Both markets are experiencing particularly worrying economic situations and are no longer in a position to stock up with the same quantity of supplies as before.
Los dos mercados conocen situaciones económicas particularmente preocupantes y ya no están en condiciones de abastecerse al mismo nivel cuantitativo que antes.
Unfortunately the EU has so far done very little to oblige freight operators to bring their rolling stock up to an acceptable safety standard.
Por desgracia, hasta la fecha la UE ha hecho poco por obligar a los operadores dedicados al transporte de mercancías a mejorar su material rodante hasta un nivel de seguridad aceptable.
This is understandable, because Africa is, in many ways, at risk of becoming the continent that is losing out while everyone else uses it to stock up on supplies.
Esto es comprensible, porque África corre el riesgo, en muchos sentidos, de convertirse en el continente perdedor mientras todos lo usan para aprovisionarse de suministros.