"hacer propaganda" in English
"hacer propaganda" in English
Entiendo que su referencia a una determinada enciclopedia no ha sido propaganda subliminal, porque en esta Asamblea no se puede hacer propaganda subliminal.
I appreciate that your reference to a certain dictionary was not subliminal advertising, because subliminal advertising is not allowed in this House.
Las ventas restrictivas de alcohol, la prohibición de hacer propaganda y el alto límite de edad son valiosos instrumentos para limitar los efectos perniciosos del alcohol en adolescentes y adultos.
The restrictive sale of alcohol, the ban on alcohol advertising and the high age limits are vital tools for limiting the damage caused by alcohol, both in young people and adults.
hacer propaganda(also: promocionar, potenciar, impulsar)
Similar translations for "hacer propaganda" in English
to do- to be up to- to acquire- to act- to bore- to brew- to brew- to build- to carry out- to cast- to chip- to churn- to clean up- to clock- to clock up- to cook- to cut- to deliver- to dispense- to drill- to effect- to effect- to get- to get in- to get up to- to go- to gouge- to hold- to interject- to introduce- to knit- to knock up- to lay- to lay- to make out- to make up- to pass- to perform- to perk- to pitch- to put forward- to put in- to put together- to raise- to run up- to serve- to sew- to stage- to swim- to take- to take- to take- to take- to throw- to throw in- to throw out- to tie- to tool- to turn- to utter- to whistle up- to work- to work out- to write out- to add up- to perform- to score- to pick up- to make- to ask- to draw up- to voice- to bake- to draw- to draw up- to manufacture- to pack- to write
Context examples for "hacer propaganda" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esto ha movido a muchos a hacer propaganda en favor de la introducción de ayudas.
This has led many to campaign for the introduction of subsidies.
Realmente hemos dejado muy claro que no deberíamos hacer propaganda.
We have really made it clear that we should not be issuing propaganda.
Realmente hemos dejado muy claro que no deberíamos hacer propaganda.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, I am grateful to the Commissioner for her response.
No nos dedicamos a hacer propaganda.
. We are not involved in issuing propaganda.
No se trata, a propósito del diálogo con los ciudadanos, de hacer propaganda o publicidad ni comunicación siquiera.
With regard to the dialogue with our citizens, it is not a question of propaganda or marketing, nor even of communication.
Es sobre esto que me gustaría que el Partido Socialista discutiera en este Pleno, en lugar de hacer propaganda electoral.
I would like the Socialist Party to discuss this subject in this House rather than disseminating election propaganda.
Green, quien se ha aprovechado del sitio que ocupa para hacer propaganda electoral.
Secondly, for the benefit of Mrs Green, who has taken advantage of her position to conduct electoral propaganda.
Esta ayuda no debe ser luego utilizada por el Gobierno coreano para hacer su propia propaganda, como ya ha ocurrido antes.
This aid must not be used later on by the North Korean government for propaganda purposes as has been the case in the past.
No leí los diarios esta mañana, pero creo poder hacer una propaganda totalmente honrada en favor de la carne de vaca francesa en general.
I have not read this morning's papers yet, but I believe I can make a sincere case to promote French beef in general.
Ese diálogo debe ser abierto, debe ser objetivo, no se trata de adoctrinar o hacer propaganda, sino de comunicar e informar.
The dialogue must be open and objective, and should not degenerate into indoctrination and propaganda but should comprise communication and information.
En primer lugar,¿conviene conmigo en que tenemos que hacer propaganda sobre la ampliación para convencer al respecto, en particular, a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea?
First, does he agree with me that we have got to sell enlargement to, in particular, the people of the European Union?
Como decía, me gustaría que discutieran sobre cosas concretas y que no utilizaran el Parlamento Europeo para hacer propaganda política y electoral.
As I said, they should discuss practical matters rather than using the European Parliament as a vehicle for political and election propaganda.
En primer lugar, ¿conviene conmigo en que tenemos que hacer propaganda sobre la ampliación para convencer al respecto, en particular, a los ciudadanos de la Unión Europea?
First, does he agree with me that we have got to sell enlargement to, in particular, the people of the European Union?
Otra pérdida de dinero: ¿cuántos miles de millones de euros va a costar este museo de historia para hacer propaganda y decir cómo la UE "salvó al mundo"?
Another waste of money: how many billions is this House of History going to cost, to sell propaganda and tell how the European Union 'saved the world'?
Entiendo que su referencia a una determinada enciclopedia no ha sido propaganda subliminal, porque en esta Asamblea no se puede hacer propaganda subliminal.
I appreciate that your reference to a certain dictionary was not subliminal advertising, because subliminal advertising is not allowed in this House.
El objetivo de las intervenciones de Poettering cuando se expresa de esa guisa es exclusivamente hacer propaganda en el contexto de la campaña electoral alemana.
Whenever Mr Poettering makes a speech and expresses himself in these extravagant terms, his sole objective is to stir up public opinion about the German election.
Tiene un objetivo diferente: ejercer presión, concretamente para garantizar que la propuesta de Tratado se ratifique de modo que pueda entrar en vigor el 1 de enero en 2009, y hacer propaganda.
They have a different objective: pressure, specifically to ensure that the proposed Treaty is ratified so that it can enter into force on 1 January 2009, and propaganda.
Las ventas restrictivas de alcohol, la prohibición de hacer propaganda y el alto límite de edad son valiosos instrumentos para limitar los efectos perniciosos del alcohol en adolescentes y adultos.
The restrictive sale of alcohol, the ban on alcohol advertising and the high age limits are vital tools for limiting the damage caused by alcohol, both in young people and adults.
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