
"cargo de primer ministro" in English

"cargo de primer ministro" in English

Similar translations for "cargo de primer ministro" in English
Context examples for "cargo de primer ministro" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El poder seguirá estando en manos de la misma persona, que esta vez ocupará el cargo de Primer Ministro.
Power will remain in the hands of the same individual who will this time bear the title of Prime Minister.
Sin embargo, ocupé el cargo de Primer Ministro para abolir la RDA y llevar a los alemanes orientales hacia la unidad.
However, I became Prime Minister in order to abolish the GDR and to lead the East Germans into unity.
Su carrera política le ha llevado hasta el cargo de primer ministro, antes de que fuera elegido como miembro del Parlamento.
Your political career has taken you as far as the office of prime minister, before you were elected as an MEP.
Carod ha renunciado a su cargo de Primer Ministro, liderando la lista de candidatos en Barcelona para las elecciones a las Cortes que se celebrarán el 14 de marzo.
MrCarod has stepped down as Prime Minister, courageously heading up the list of candidates in Barcelona for the elections to the Cortès to take place on 14 March.
Carod ha renunciado a su cargo de Primer Ministro, liderando la lista de candidatos en Barcelona para las elecciones a las Cortes que se celebrarán el 14 de marzo.
Mr Carod has stepped down as Prime Minister, courageously heading up the list of candidates in Barcelona for the elections to the Cortès to take place on 14 March.
Sólo el Presidente Dini ha seguido desempeñando un papel fundamental tras pasar del cargo de primer ministro al de ministro de Exteriores.
Only President Dini has retained a fundamental role in the handover, moving from Prime Minister to Minister of Foreign Affairs: his responsibilities on Europe are quite undiminished.