
"error de imprenta" in English

"error de imprenta" in English
Cometimos, por tanto, un error de imprenta al intentar copiar allí una situación económica de Europa occidental o americana que, finalmente y como era de esperar, no perduró.
So we produced a misprint of a Western European or American economic situation there, which in the end did not last, as might have been expected.
typo{noun} [coll.]

Context examples for "error de imprenta" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En el texto neerlandés figura una lamentable errata o error de imprenta.
In the Dutch text there is a very unfortunate mistake or printing error.
Por otra parte, creo que este pequeño error de imprenta afecta sólo a la versión italiana.
I think this small printing error only relates to the Italian version.
Antes acabar, señor Presidente, permítame que señale un error de imprenta.
Finally, I would draw your attention to a printing error.
Efectivamente, se trata de un error de imprenta.
Mr Swoboda, I can confirm what you have just said and there is, in fact, a printing error.
error de imprenta
printer's error