
"misprint" in Spanish

This is, of course, a misprint.
Por supuesto, se trata de una errata.
(IT) Mr President, I would just like to make a correction because there is a misprint in the amendment.
(IT) Señor Presidente, quisiera hacer una corrección porque hay una errata en la enmienda.
misprint(also: typo)
So we produced a misprint of a Western European or American economic situation there, which in the end did not last, as might have been expected.
Cometimos, por tanto, un error de imprenta al intentar copiar allí una situación económica de Europa occidental o americana que, finalmente y como era de esperar, no perduró.
gazapo{m} (errata)

Synonyms (English) for "misprint":
Context examples for "misprint" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I take this to be a misprint
me imagino que esto será un error tipográfico
There is a misprint in our amendment.
Hay un error en nuestra enmienda.
So we produced a misprint of a Western European or American economic situation there, which in the end did not last, as might have been expected.
Cometimos, por tanto, un error de imprenta al intentar copiar allí una situación económica de Europa occidental o americana que, finalmente y como era de esperar, no perduró.