
"discurso de investidura" in English

"discurso de investidura" in English
inaugural{noun} (in US)
En su discurso de investidura, el Presidente Karzai hizo la gratificante promesa de un nuevo comienzo.
President Karzai made a welcome promise of a new start in his inaugural address.
En mi discurso de investidura, subrayé que el Mercado Interior era el centro de las medidas en pro del crecimiento.
In my inaugural address, I stressed that the internal market was crucial to our efforts for growth.
Les ruego que relean el discurso de investidura que pronuncié ante Sus Señorías en enero de 1995 y juzguen por sí mismos si he mantenido mi palabra.
I invite you to re-read my inaugural address to you in January 1995 and judge for yourselves whether I have kept my word.

Context examples for "discurso de investidura" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El señor Santer, en su discurso de investidura, se comprometió a llevar una lucha sin cuartel contra el fraude.
In his investiture speech, Mr Santer committed himself to leading a merciless fight against fraud.
Primeramente, en el de mi discurso de investidura.
Firstly, that of my investiture speech.
Señor Presidente, en mi discurso de investidura del 17 de enero de 1995 ya dije que a Europa no le faltan bazas sino una estrategia para poder sacarles partido.
Mr President, I said in my investiture speech on 17 January 1995 that what was lacking in Europe was not assets, but a strategy for making good use of them.
Ustedes saben que este ya era el tema de mi discurso de investidura ante su Parlamento Europeo, y apoyo todos los esfuerzos de la Presidencia austriaca en ese sentido.
You know that this was, in fact, the leitmotiv of my investiture speech before the European Parliament, and I support all the efforts of the Austrian Presidency in this direction.