
"to take away from" in Spanish

"to take away from" in Spanish
demeritar{v.t.} [LAm.] [form.] (esfuerzos, trabajo)

Context examples for "to take away from" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We cannot take away from the regions with one hand what we have given them with the other.
No se puede quitar a unas regiones con una mano lo que se les ha dado con otra.
That is one of the lessons which we are going to have to take away from this situation.
Esa es una de las lecciones que vamos a tener que sacar de esta situación.
The Union should not take away from the poor countries with one hand what is given with the other.
La Unión no debe quitar con una mano a los países pobres lo que les da con la otra.
Let no one take away from you the freedom to act according to God.
Que nada ni nadie os quite la libertad de actuar según Dios.
We cannot therefore take away from users the option of using plant protection agents where necessary.
Por lo tanto, no podemos privar a los usuarios de la opción de emplear agentes fitosanitarios.
There is no doubt about that, and there can be no other considerations that would take away from this solidarity.
Señor Posselt, déjeme que le diga algo que he aprendido con la experiencia propia.
In this report, Mrs d'Ancona proposes to take away from Member States their supreme authority in this respect.
En su informe, la Sra. d´Ancona propone quitar a los Estados su soberanía en la materia.
What we owe today we will take away from people tomorrow.
Lo que ahora debemos se lo arrebataremos mañana a la población.
But no darkness of error or of sin can totally take away from man the light of God the Creator.
Pero las tinieblas del error o del pecado no pueden eliminar totalmente en el hombre la luz de Dios creador.
What I take away from this debate is that this House very strongly supports trans-European network policy.
Lo que me llevo de este debate es que esta Cámara apoya firmemente la política de la red transeuropea.
Please do not take away from the companies the capital that they are not getting from the banks at the moment.
Por favor, no se lleven de las empresas europeas el capital que no obtienen de los bancos actualmente.
There is no doubt about that, and there can be no other considerations that would take away from this solidarity.
No hay duda al respecto, y no puede haber otras consideraciones que resten valor a esta solidaridad.
That is what I will take away from this debate, this Presidency and this Intergovernmental Conference.
Esto es lo que recordaré de este debate, de esta Presidencia, y también de esta Conferencia Intergubernamental.
This would take away from their reliance on benefits.
Esto les libraría de su dependencia de las ayudas.
We will need money, which we must take away from other energy sources, to effect this volte-face.
Para ello también necesitaremos fondos, que deberemos quitar a otras fuentes de energía para producir un cambio de orientación.
Europeans would be set against each other, and it would take away from us any chance of being competitive on a global scale.
Los europeos lucharíamos unos contra otros, lo que nos despojaría de toda posibilidad de ser competitivos a escala mundial.
Each group of countries has been able to develop its production because we were offering them a market which we ought not now to take away from them.
Unos y otros han podido desarrollar su producción porque nosotros les ofrecíamos un mercado que no debemos retirarles ahora.
The fourth idea which I shall take away from this debate is how to move on, to put it a little bluntly, from final documents to tangible action.
La cuarta idea que extraeré de este debate alude a la manera de pasar, por decirlo llanamente, de los documentos finales, a la acción tangible.
It is also very important that I take away from today's debate some suggestions and comments for the coming talks with the German Presidency.
Asimismo, es muy importante que me lleve del debate de hoy algunas sugerencias y comentarios para las conversaciones venideras con la Presidencia alemana.
However, the basic lesson we must take away from all this is that we must be responsible towards those who are going to vote for us in the very near future.
No obstante, la lección fundamental que hemos de aprender es que tenemos una responsabilidad ante aquéllos que nos van a votar dentro de poco.