
"de risa" in English

"de risa" in English
de risa{adjective}
de risa{adjective}
La historia es casi de risa.
The story is almost laughable.
En realidad es de risa que Louis Michel, como varios portavoces de la Comisión, piense y diga que una política de inmigración legal limitada podría resolver los problemas.
It is laughable, actually, that Louis Michel, like a number of other Commission spokespersons, thinks and says that a policy of limited legal immigration could solve the problems.

Context examples for "de risa" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La risa de su niño, el color de su piel y sus ojos, todo ya existía en el embrión.
Your child’s laughter, the colour of its skin and eyes, all were already present in the embryo.
La risa de su niño, el color de su piel y sus ojos, todo ya existía en el embrión.
And Mrs Matikainen-Kallström, you have a little baby!
Lo que me preocupa es que, cuando hayamos votado sobre este informe, se quede en un estante muerto de risa.
My worry is that when we have voted on this, it will remain on a shelf somewhere doing nothing.
un vestido tan caro y lo tienes ahí muerto de risa
that's a really expensive dress and you leave it just gathering dust
Los delincuentes se están muriendo de risa.
The criminals are laughing all the way to the bank.
la noticia los hizo desternillarse de risa
the news sent them into paroxysms of laughter
solo con verlo, nos dio un ataque de risa
just looking at him sent us into hysterics
nos desternillamos de risa con sus payasadas
their antics had us in convulsions
si la ves te va a dar un ataque de risa
you'll die laughing if you see her
(DE) Señora Presidenta, admiro la capacidad de esta diputada para interpretar la risa de las dos diputadas mencionadas.
(DE) Madam President, I admire the ability of my fellow Member to make something out of the laughter of the two fellow Members over there.
le dio un ataque de risa
he collapsed into convulsive laughter
trató de aguantar la risa
she fought back the impulse to laugh
todos se revolcaron de risa
they all rolled around laughing
traté de contener la risa
I tried to refrain from laughing
muebles a precios de risa
furniture at ridiculous prices
lloré de risa
I laughed till the tears ran down my face
Nuestros campesinos luchan contra su explotación por el capital del sector transformador, que les arrebata su producción a precios de risa.
Our farmers are fighting against their exploitation by the processing industry, which snaps up their produce at derisory prices.
nos desternillamos de risa
we collapsed with laughter
la situación es de risa
the whole situation is a joke
me muero de risa con sus chistes
their jokes kill me