
"running aground" in Spanish

"running aground" in Spanish

Context examples for "running aground" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Secondly, running ships aground for on-site dismantling must be regarded as unacceptable.
En segundo lugar, llevar buques de un lado a otro para desguazarlos in situ debe ser inaceptable.
The Lisbon process is running aground in the protest of the electorate.
El proceso de Lisboa encalla en la protesta del electorado.
I can tell you that not a week goes by without a boat arriving, running aground, and requesting assistance, during its voyage to the Canaries.
Puedo decirle que no pasa una semana sin que un barco llegue, encalle o solicite ayuda, en su periplo hacia las islas Canarias.
Mr President, the running aground of the oil tanker Erika triggered a large number of activities on the part of the Commission, which were truly welcome.
Señor Presidente, el naufragio del petrolero Erika dio origen a una serie de actividades en la Comisión. Esto fue muy provechoso.
Council and Commission statements on illegal immigration and the running aground of the "East Sea" off the French coast with around 1 000 Kurdish immigrants on board.
declaraciones del Consejo y de la Comisión sobre la inmigración clandestina y el naufragio del "East Sea" frente a las costas francesas con unos 1.000 inmigrantes kurdos a bordo.
Council and Commission statements on illegal immigration and the running aground of the " East Sea " off the French coast with around 1 000 Kurdish immigrants on board.
declaraciones del Consejo y de la Comisión sobre la inmigración clandestina y el naufragio del " East Sea " frente a las costas francesas con unos 1.000 inmigrantes kurdos a bordo.