
"out in the open" in Spanish

"out in the open" in Spanish
out in the open
a flor de piel
salir a la luz[idiom] (secretos)
out in the open
salir a la luz

Context examples for "out in the open" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Violence against women must finally be brought out into the open and put to a stop.
La violencia contra las mujeres debe salir por fin a la luz y erradicarse.
I believe that it is important to bring the matter out into the open to be debated.
Es algo que hay que equilibrar y me parece importante que nada se oculte en el debate.
We need to bring these countries out into the open to reveal their hypocrisy.
Debemos poner en evidencia a esos países para revelar su hipocresía.
The citizens and the European Parliament are asking the Council to come out into the open.
La ciudadanía y el Parlamento Europeo pedimos al Consejo luz y taquígrafos.
Thirdly, the statistics must finally be brought out into the open.
En tercer lugar, es preciso que finalmente dispongamos de datos, de estadísticas.
Potential problems will be brought out into the open and appropriate measures will be taken.
Se sacarán a la luz pública los posibles problemas y se adoptarán medidas apropiadas.
I believe that it is important to bring the matter out into the open to be debated.
Pero no es seguro que siempre se apliquen las penas adecuadas.
It is truly excellent that these matters are being brought out into the open.
Es extraordinariamente provechoso que se saquen a la luz.
Finally, we are naturally very pleased about the initiatives, which have been brought out into the open.
Por último, es natural que estemos muy satisfechos con las iniciativas, que se han sacado a la luz.
they were forced to come out into the open with their allegations
se vieron obligados a hacer públicas sus acusaciones
Come out into the open and acknowledge that it is no longer possible to govern with old-fashioned secrecy.
¡Salid de las tinieblas y reconoced que ya no es posible gobernar con la opacidad de la antigüedad!
It is these which we want out in the open for discussion.
Son éstas las que se desea sacar a la luz y debatir.
Thanks to the action taken by a " whistle blower " and the Committee of Wise Men, corruption has been brought out into the open.
Gracias a la actuación de un " chivato " y al Comité de Sabios se ha denunciado la corrupción.
Just as important, we need to have the whole process of reviewing what there is on the market much more out in the open.
Igual de importante es que salga a la luz todo el proceso de revisión de todo lo que hay en el mercado.
a ruse to lure the enemy out into the open
una treta para que el enemigo saliera al descubierto
Most of all, I am happy that, in the European Parliament, we have brought the debate and the discussion out into the open.
Sobre todo, me alegro de que, en el Parlamento Europeo, hayamos sacado a la luz el debate y la discusión.
I feel better now it's all out in the open
me siento mejor ahora que todo el mundo lo sabe
we had to spend the night out in the open
tuvimos que pasar la noche a la intemperie
I can't take this car out on the open road
no puedo salir a la ruta con este auto
However, it is now out in the open.
Sin embargo, ahora todo ha salido a la luz.