
"de pesar" in English

"de pesar" in English
de pesar{adjective}
regretful{adj.} (expression, note)

Context examples for "de pesar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He votado a favor de la resolución común, a pesar de considerarla insuficiente.
I voted for the joint motion for a resolution, despite regarding it as inadequate.
A pesar de ello, la Presidencia alemana se limita a seguir el camino ya tomado.
Despite this, the German Presidency simply carries on down the path already chosen.
a pesar de las numerosas dificultades encontradas, debe seguir desarrollando,
media, the Church must continue, in spite of the many difficulties involved, to
promesas de Dios, y a pesar de las dificultades existentes en muchos países,
firmly in God's promises, and despite the difficulties being experienced in many
A reserva de estas precisiones, y a pesar de todo, he votado "sí» de buena gana.
I have voted in favour, bearing all these points in mind, and even did so willingly.
A pesar de todo esto, me gustaría mencionar los aspectos positivos de Johanesburgo.
Despite all this, I would like to mention the positive things about Johannesburg.
A pesar de todo, yo les transmitiré la opinión de la Comisión de Política Regional.
I shall however report to you on the opinion of the Committee on Regional Policy.
El retraso de la Comisión, a pesar de ser lamentable, no es una catástrofe en sí.
The Commission's delay, deplorable though it is, is not a disaster in itself.
Digo esto a pesar de ser un firme defensor del fortalecimiento del mercado interior.
I say this despite being a firm supporter of strengthening the internal market.
Sin embargo, a pesar de ello, mantenemos un proceso de negociaciones con este país.
However, in spite of this, we are in the process of negotiating with that country.
A pesar de ello, tengo que decir que ha sido un honor trabajar con la ponente.
In spite of that, I must say that I was honoured to work with the rapporteur.
A pesar de que defiendo la ampliación de la Unión Europea con nuevos países.
I was and am a supporter of enlargement of the European Union with new countries.
A pesar de ser un gobierno muy pequeño, sin duda trabaja de forma sumamente ardua.
No matter how small it may be, it is certainly one that works extremely hard.
A pesar de estas reservas, la Comisión de Investigación votó a favor del programa.
Despite these reservations the Research Committee voted in favour of the programme.
A reserva de estas precisiones, y a pesar de todo, he votado " sí» de buena gana.
I have voted in favour, bearing all these points in mind, and even did so willingly.
A pesar de esa pequeña reserva, voy a votar en favor del informe del Sr.
In spite of this minor reserve, I shall vote in favour of Mr Pérez Royo's report.
A pesar de todo ello, la Europa oficial insiste en que continúen las negociaciones.
Despite all this, official Europe insists that the negotiations be continued.
Estas personas continúan empleadas, a pesar de haber recibido la carta de despido.
These people are still employed, despite having received redundancy notices.
A pesar de una serie de reformas, la democracia de base no ha logrado echar raíces.
In spite of a series of reforms, grassroots democracy has not seriously taken root.
Si, a pesar de ello, desea formalizar la transacción, deberá cursar otro pedido.
If you'd still like to complete the transaction, please place a new order.