
"de modo uniforme" in English

"de modo uniforme" in English
uniformly{adv.} (dressed, painted)
Sin embargo, los Estados miembros no interpretan o aplican de modo uniforme estas normas.
However, these rules are not interpreted or applied uniformly by the Member States.
Sin embargo, los resultados no son positivos de modo uniforme y aún no se explicaron las razones.
However, the results were not uniformly positive and the reasons for this remain unexplained.
La evaluación de las nuevas leyes no puede ser arbitraria y debe basarse en criterios aplicados de modo uniforme.
New laws should not be assessed arbitrarily but in a way that is based on uniformly applied criteria.

Context examples for "de modo uniforme" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Con este comando se ajustará la altura de las filas seleccionadas de modo uniforme.
Use this command to adjust the height of the selected rows to an identical size.
Pensamos que es muy importante que esta normativa se aplique de modo uniforme en todos los países de la Unión Europea.
We think it is most important to have this proposal acted on in the same way in all the countries of the European Union.
La evaluación de las nuevas leyes no puede ser arbitraria y debe basarse en criterios aplicados de modo uniforme.
The first, of course, relates to the code of conduct for Commissioners and a serious approach to the issue of conflicts of interest.
Mi informe pretende garantizar que esta Decisión de la OMC se aplique, mediante un reglamento europeo, de modo uniforme en todos los Estados miembros de la Unión Europea.
My report aims to ensure that this WTO Decision is applied, by means of a European regulation, in a uniform manner in all EU Member States.