
"de manera irregular" in English

"de manera irregular" in English
erratically{adv.} (inconsistently)
fitfully{adv.} (sleep, work, proceed)
El aceite está siendo suministrado de manera irregular.
It is being fitfully delivered.
inconsistently{adv.} (unevenly)
Los efectos secundarios se informaron de manera irregular.
Side-effects were inconsistently reported.
Los datos de las variables continuas se presentaron de manera irregular entre los estudios, por lo tanto no se pudo agrupar los resultados.
Data on continuous outcomes were presented inconsistently among studies, which precluded the possibility of pooling the results.

Context examples for "de manera irregular" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La prohibición fue un parche por parte de la élite política, y se hizo de manera irregular.
The ban was a stitch-up by the political elite and was done on a nod and a wink.
Pueden ser utilizados como coartada para legitimar un régimen que accede al poder de manera irregular.
They can be used as alibis to legitimise a regime which has gained power via unlawful means.
El aceite está siendo suministrado de manera irregular.
It is being fitfully delivered.
Por lo que puedo ver, prevalece el problema del registro, porque actualmente forma parte de la flota, pero lo ha conseguido actuando de manera irregular desde el inicio.
As far as I can see, the registration problem still stands because it is now in the fleet but it was irregular to begin with.
¿Los extranjeros que entren de manera irregular en el territorio de un Estado miembro no cometerían pues ningún delito (enmienda 9 del artículo 2)?
Are the foreigners that have entered a Member State' s territory illegally not to be seen as having committed any offence (Article 2, Amendment No 9)?