
"de forma oral" in English

"de forma oral" in English
de forma oral
by word of mouth

Context examples for "de forma oral" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
De ello se desprende que esta solicitud solo podemos hacerla ahora y de forma oral.
It follows that the request can be made only now, and orally.
Por otra parte, los ciudadanos tendrán derecho a presentar sus comentarios de forma oral o por escrito.
In addition, citizens would be entitled to submit their comments either orally or in writing.
Habida cuenta de la excepcional gravedad de este expediente de la EEB, deseo explicar dicho voto de forma oral.
Bearing in mind the exceptional gravity of the BSE affair, I should like to explain that vote orally.
Karas y yo hemos preparado unas enmiendas que él formulará mañana de forma oral y que espero solventen este problema.
Mr Karas and I have prepared amendments which he will lay out tomorrow orally, which I hope will solve this problem.
Normalmente será contestada de forma oral.
Normally it will be answered orally.
Señora Presidenta, esta interesante idea simplemente repite de forma oral la enmienda de compromiso que se acaba de rechazar.
Madam President, this interesting idea simply takes up in oral form the compromise amendment that has just been rejected.
Huhne, ahora por carta y espero que, posteriormente, de forma oral.
I am sorry that I am not able to finish; I will conclude this dialogue with Mr Huhne, now by letter and I hope, later on, orally.
de forma oral
by word of mouth
Nuestra comisión, no obstante, pidió al Comisario, de forma oral el 13 de septiembre y por escrito el 15 de septiembre, que mediara a este respecto, algo a lo que accedió.
Our Committee, though, asked the Commissioner, orally on 13 September and in writing on 15 September, to make his good offices available to us, and he agreed to do so.