
"to get down to" in Spanish

"to get down to" in Spanish
For them, it is time to get down to work.
Para ellos ha llegado la hora de ponerse a trabajar.
Now is the time to get down to work.
Ahora ha llegado el momento de ponerse a trabajar.
So, it is time to get down to work!
Por lo tanto, es hora de ponerse a trabajar.

Context examples for "to get down to" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
It is crucial, however, that a new Commission finally be able to get down to work.
Pero es importante que haya una nueva Comisión que ponga por fin manos a la obra.
I would advise the Commissioner to really get down to business in this respect.
Aconsejaría al Señor Comisario que de verdad pusiera manos a la obra a este respecto.
Now we have to get down to work, look at the substance and deliver results.
Ahora tenemos que ponernos a trabajar, ir a lo esencial y conseguir resultados.
Let us support it as broadly as possible and get down to work to implement it.
Concedámosle el mayor apoyo posible y pongámonos a trabajar para aplicarlo.
Once we have this information, we can, of course, get down to discussions.
Una vez dispongamos de esa información, podremos por supuesto entrar a debatir.
It is essential that we cooperate effectively and that we get down to work immediately.
Es esencial que cooperemos efectivamente y que nos pongamos a trabajar sin demora.
We must get down to work straightaway and look upon this as a long-term challenge.
Debemos ponernos a trabajar enseguida, considerar que se trata de un reto a largo plazo.
We have taken the necessary step and the institute is now ready to get down to work.
Hemos dado el paso necesario y el Instituto está preparado para ponerse manos a la obra.
What matters now is for us to roll up our sleeves and get down to business.
Lo que importa ahora es que nos arremanguemos y nos pongamos a trabajar.
In this respect, we must stop hesitating and finally get down to action.
En este sentido, debemos acabar con las dudas y ponernos, finalmente, manos a la obra.
See how Windows7 Professional can help you get down to business.
Descubre de qué manera Windows7 Professional te puede ayudar en tu trabajo.
We need stability and we need to get down to the business of policy as quickly as possible.
Necesitamos estabilidad y necesitamos ponernos a trabajar en las políticas cuanto antes.
My impression is that we are all in far too much of a hurry to get down to business as usual.
En mi opinión todos tenemos demasiada prisa por ponernos manos a la obra.
We have also said that in the long term, you really do need to get down to brass tacks.
Hemos afirmado también que, a largo plazo, es preciso ir al grano.
Please do not invent new issues and get down to the job of resolving the important problems.
Por favor, no inventen cuestiones nuevas y dedíquense a resolver los problemas importantes.
It will mean that for once the funding will get down to the farmer and he will receive it.
Significará que de una vez por todas la financiación llegará al agricultor y este la recibirá.
Ladies and gentlemen, I think it is really necessary and urgent to get down to basics.
Señorías, me parece realmente necesario y urgente ir al grano.
When we get down to the details, precisely the opposite is the case.
Cuando entramos en los detalles, sucede exactamente lo contrario.
At present, the Commission is keen to get down to work and do the job it was instructed to do.
Actualmente la Comisión desea seguir trabajando y cumplir el cometido que le fue encomendado.
On the contrary, we must get down to creating specific arrangements for safe final disposal.
Lo que tenemos que hacer es adoptar medidas concretas para un almacenamiento definitivo seguro.