"hacer notar" in English
"hacer notar" in English
hacer notar(also: apreciarse, ser advertido, hacerse notar)
Nuestra Asamblea es reducida porque es viernes por la mañana pero hay que hacer notar y reconocer que este es un asunto que incumbe a todos los partidos y al conjunto de la Union.
We are a small House because it is a Friday morning but it needs to be noticed and recognised that this is an all-party issue and an all-Union issue.
Similar translations for "hacer notar" in English
to do- to be up to- to acquire- to act- to bore- to brew- to brew- to build- to carry out- to cast- to chip- to churn- to clean up- to clock- to clock up- to cook- to cut- to deliver- to dispense- to drill- to effect- to effect- to get- to get in- to get up to- to go- to gouge- to hold- to interject- to introduce- to knit- to knock up- to lay- to lay- to make out- to make up- to pass- to perform- to perk- to pitch- to put forward- to put in- to put together- to raise- to run up- to serve- to sew- to stage- to swim- to take- to take- to take- to take- to throw- to throw in- to throw out- to tie- to tool- to turn- to utter- to whistle up- to work- to work out- to write out- to add up- to perform- to score- to pick up- to make- to draw up- to voice- to draw- to draw up- to manufacture- to pack- to write
Context examples for "hacer notar" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Me gustaría hacer notar que debatimos, en menos de tres horas, ocho informes.
I should like to point out that we are discussing eight reports in under three hours.
Quisiera hacer notar la necesidad de autocrítica cuando la Unión Europea critica.
I should like to flag the need for some self-criticism when the EU dishes out criticism.
Quizás el valor principal de esta revisión es hacer notar la importancia de este tema.
Perhaps the main value of this review is to draw attention to this issue.
Señor Presidente, quisiera hacer notar que en la Tribuna, han venido desde Granada...
Mr President, I should like to point out that in the public gallery, all the way from Granada...
En nuestro diálogo con Rusia, siempre deberíamos hacer notar esto.
In our dialogue with Russia, we should always draw attention to this.
Quisiera hacer notar que los Estados Unidos no desean tampoco la inmunidad procesal.
I should like to point out that the United States does not want to see exemption from prosecution, either.
Permítanme hacer notar que, por segunda vez, este documento va a ser firmado por tres mujeres.
I should like to point out that this document is being signed, for the second time, by three women.
La UE debe dotarse de herramientas adecuadas para hacer notar su presencia en la escena mundial.
The EU must provide itself with the appropriate tools to enable it to make its presence felt on the international stage.
También quiero hacer notar el éxito con que la Presidencia de Luxemburgo puso en marcha el programa SLIM.
I would also like to note the success with which the Luxembourg Presidency really kicked off the SLIM programme.
Es justo hacer notar esto a la gente.
It is right to draw this to the attention of people.
Quisiera hacer notar al mismo tiempo que me interesaría en gran medida cómo ve usted el proceso de ejecución.
At the same time, I would like to add that I would be very interested to know how you envisage the process of transposition.
Quisiera hacer notar que Internet y otros métodos podrán facilitar el acceso a los documentos en el futuro.
I would like to draw attention to the Internet and other possibilities which in the future may facilitate access to documents.
Como no le hemos visto durante estos últimos meses, me parecía importante hacer notar que hoy tampoco está presente.
As we have not seen him during the past few months, I think it is important to point out that he is not here today either.
Finalmente, quisiera hacer notar a los consumidores y al sector que todo esto redundará en su interés conjunto.
Finally, I would like to draw the attention of consumers and industry to the fact that this is something in their joint interest.
Respaldo la orientación general del informe, pero quiero hacer notar que tengo una opinión discrepante en el punto 49.
I support the holistic orientation of the report, but would like to stress that my opinion differs as regards Paragraph 49.
Como colegislador, el Parlamento deberá hacer notar que la Comisión presentó muy tarde la propuesta de nuevo reglamento.
As joint legislator, Parliament must state that the Commission was very late in tabling the proposal for a new regulation.
Para empezar quisiera hacer notar que los diputados griegos están acribillando a preguntas al Sr.
Let me first comment that the President-in-Office of the Council is besieged by questions from Greek Members.
Señor Presidente, quiero hacer notar que esta resolución lleva el título "Euro 2000" y no "Hooligans", como figura en el panel.
Mr President, I would like to point out that this resolution is entitled 'Euro 2000', not 'Hooliganism' as it might seem.
Es algo que debemos hacer notar aquí.
We should record that fact here.
Señor Presidente, quiero hacer notar que esta resolución lleva el título " Euro 2000 " y no " Hooligans ", como figura en el panel.
Mr President, I would like to point out that this resolution is entitled 'Euro 2000 ', not 'Hooliganism ' as it might seem.
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