
"to go into debt" in Spanish

"to go into debt" in Spanish

Context examples for "to go into debt" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Firstly, this commitment obliges creditor countries either to reach into their foreign exchange reserves or to go into debt.
En primer lugar, este compromiso obliga a los países acreedores a hacer uso de sus reservas de divisas, o bien a contraer deudas.
It is still left up to national rules to limit how far the funds can go into debt, and that also means that we are not learning the lessons from the crisis.
Sigue estando en manos de la legislación nacional limitar hasta dónde se pueden endeudar los fondos y eso también significa que no estamos asimilando las enseñanzas de la crisis.
He could equally well be asked whether he knows where unemployment in Europe would be now if European countries had refused to go into debt when the oil crisis struck.
Se le podría preguntar si sabe hasta dónde habría llegado el desempleo en Europa si los Estados europeos se hubieran negado a endeudarse cuando tuvieron que afrontar la crisis del petróleo.